星期三, 九月 05, 2007

Did you know... How to change a bookmark color?


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via MSDN Blogs by saraford on Sep 05, 2007

I call out the bookmark color, since it appears at the top of the Fonts and Colors Display Items list. But, this tip applies to all items that appear in the indicator margin, like current statement, breakpoints, etc, but let's focus on bookmarks for this tip...

This picture shows a bookmark icon/glyph in the indicator margin.


So, let's go change the color to red! Go to Tools - Options - Environment - Fonts and Colors. Under Display Items, select Bookmark. Now change the background color to something, like red. You'll notice that nothing changes in the editor.

In order to have a different bookmark color, you need to remove the indicator margin. Go to Tools - Options - Text Editor - General and uncheck Indicator Margin. Now you'll see the following:


The indicator margin just shows icons (or glyphs to be more accurate) which are not customizable, so this is why you're only able to change the foreground color and why you may not see the change. I guess a better title for this tip is "why didn't the bookmark color change?" I hope this helps clarifies any confusion.

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