星期六, 九月 22, 2007

The Best Mashup I've seen


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于 07-9-22 通过 MSDN Blogs 作者:stevecla01


And I'm not the only one saying this...

"This is the best map of London that I've seen. It's great how you overlay the hotels"
"I have traveled all over the world but never seen such a service."

Check it out - a fine example of how the web and mashups cut down what would have previously been a several hours exercise to several minutes. A few things I love

      • as you scroll around on the map, the hotels and prices dynamically update - great use of Ajax
      • when you click on a hotel price you get details including thumbnail photos where available
      • if you add the dining overlay you get review details
      • the Tube line overlay is VERY cool

I'm busy trying to find out who built this and what with - if you know, gimme a shout. There is a good PDF about it on the LondonTown site.




