星期二, 三月 30, 2010

Yasheng Huang: Why Google should stay in China | StarTribune.com

Yasheng Huang: Why Google should stay in China | StarTribune.com
"There are at least two people in China who might disagree. One is Zhou Jiugeng, a former official in the city of Nanjing, who could hear about the Google wars only from a prison cell. Zhou had been spotted sporting a $25,000 watch, one far out of reach of the pay of a civil servant. This led to an online uproar, with countless postings and blogs questioning his income. A government investigation ensued, and Zhou was found to have accepted almost $200,000 in bribes.

The second individual is Deng Yujiao, a young woman who rebuffed sexual advances by a government official in May 2009, then stabbed him to death when he attempted to rape her. She was arrested, prompting a massive protest, online and off, with Chinese netizens and civil rights organizations petitioning for her release. Bowing to the pressure, the government cleared all charges against Deng."

I like this, rarely see anything on american newspaper about China I agree. because this is written by chinese people who understand China.

