星期二, 十二月 30, 2008

孕妇胎死腹中被弃急诊室4天 丈夫失踪



"Blog_Backup 是一款功能完善的博客备份软件,支持国内所有大型BSP,可导出内容为多种格式。"


'nueMassStorage enables you to use your Titan/Vogue as a USB Flash Reader, giving you direct access to your flash drive on computers or other devices that don’t have Activesync.'

need to switch between modes...

星期一, 十二月 29, 2008

Sharp to book $555 million extraordinary loss - MarketWatch

not a good time to join sharp as contract to hire, IMHO.
Some thoughts - 'rapid development'

Reading a chapter of this book today and I had a sudden thought. It mentioned a commitement based development and it sounds like developers are mindless coding machines who have no idea what's needed to be done and when. So they sent people who dont know technology to determine what can be done and when? No wonder they dont think there's any 'rapid development'.

星期五, 十二月 26, 2008







丽江-关门口 纳西古文字






















走了阵子到了纳西人家(naxi family)吃午饭,这地方是个旅馆都有英文名字,有的没看到中文名字,只看到英文名字。吃的炒牛肉(干巴牦牛肉?)味道还可以,价格也不算贵。这次穿的防水靴子太重了,DSLR虽然只有18-55的头,分量无论在背上活着脖子上也实在不算舒服。从这里向上走,不多远就到了28拐,以前的游记见到有说24拐的。如果从中虎跳 /下虎跳往这边走应该会轻松一些,毕竟少了这段大上坡。山顶有卖水的,价格不算很黑,一块突出的石头被用木头拦着,一个老太太收钱说要5块8块,实在很过份,上去看的景色也实在一般。




走到计划中的中途客栈(halfway guest house),没看到中文牌子,里面至少有三个服务人员,但是没一个主动问我们任何事情的,无论住宿还是点菜。住得很便宜,房间没有厕所和淋浴,在这里追上了台湾来的小苏,两个丹麦人和一个法国人。因为怕冷没有洗澡,半夜5点多起来的时候,满天的星星很漂亮,可惜没有三角架,镜头也不行,拍不出来。一丝丝的山风吹过,一点都不冷,感觉比前一天傍晚还要暖和。



第二天和小苏一起走,被他鼓动我一路走到新渡口坐船到大具…太阳到了10点多还没有照到我们所在的山谷下面,路上到了岔路都需要好好找找箭头,不然就不知道走哪里去了。山路上面有个岔路直接到张老师家客栈,直走貌似是去Tina’s G.H.,我们最终选择了下去,所以这次没有看到Tina’s。下去以后就到了下面的公路,从张老师家下中虎跳要十块,路铺的倒是还好。地下有个所谓天梯,我们让最有体力的小苏一个人上去,他说到了中途有个牌子说继续向上还要给另外一家交钱…基本上水中的石头都标了所谓上虎跳石,中虎跳石,下虎跳石,个人觉得难说哪个是真,哪个是假。第一块那里我觉得最好,有个小架子上“发呆石”,雨季这些都要淹没的。卖东西的大姐知道没什么客人,给我的茶杯加水只要了一块,最后我犹豫了半天还是没在她那里买别的东西。














星期二, 十二月 23, 2008



星期一, 十二月 22, 2008






星期日, 十二月 21, 2008



星期五, 十二月 19, 2008


'unemployment rate'
heard from CNBC this morning, that the official 'unemployment rate' (6.7% now) is not really the rate we want to know, it's actually labor underutilization measurement that we should know, which is at 12.5% now. it was over 16% in the 80's. not sure how that's calculated but maybe there's some other even higher rate that we REALLY want to know besides those two, taking into account other factors that are probably unmeasurable.

星期四, 十二月 18, 2008


Garbage companies here are competing and they have their own trucks and drivers. I wonder if they can just work together, pay those truck/drivers together and have their different contract with residents.

星期一, 十二月 15, 2008

星期五, 十二月 12, 2008

will smith - 7 lbs首映

我们这里收音机台作采访,我们这里首映前250个带non-perishable, unbreakable
democracy, capitalism assume people help each other out, it's not like
socialism or communism where people rely on the government。

要我说,如果大家都help each other out,那个才不是capitalism,那个是communism

星期四, 十二月 11, 2008





星期三, 十二月 10, 2008

sample bias

国内现在孕期糖尿病都用美国标准,据说大量的人都不能通过,个人觉得和这个美国gold standard的sample bias有关,美国这里的family physician也说90lb体重的,平时不吃糖的人很可能不能通过糖耐测试,何况这种测试方法据说也不是最好的,好像测蛋白什么的是最好的,但是不容易进行。美国的人群整体体重比国内,特别是南方小体形的人高很多,成天吃糖比例很高,而且饮食结构相对中国来说要简单单调很多。国内地区体形、饮食结构差异也比美国大。个人以为国内之所以用美国标准也是因为自己没有钱,不打算投入钱做自己的研究,而且国内这个研究的挑战也比美国大。这个糖耐如果可以做成一个和体重等身体特征相关的多元函数,我觉得可能会比现在简单的测定范围的方式好很多,虽然对美国大多数人来说可能无所谓。

星期一, 十二月 08, 2008









解 释 早晨下命令,晚上就改变。形容政令多变,让人无所适从。也形容主张、办法等经常改变。


星期五, 十一月 14, 2008

Why does my shared [Remote Desktop] clipboard not work? (Part 1) - Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day

Symptom: Remote-to-local copy and paste broken.

Possible Cause: RDPCLIP is not in the clipboard viewer chain.

Possible Solution: Kill and restart RDPCLIP.

Symptom: Local-to-remote copy and paste broken.

Possible Cause: TS client is not in the clipboard viewer chain.

Possible Solution: Close the TS client and reconnect to the session.

Symptom: RDPCLIP or the TS client is using excessive CPU.

Possible Cause: There is a loop in the local or remote clipboard viewer chain.

Possible Solution: Kill and restart RDPCLIP. If this does not fix the problem, close the TS client and reconnect to the session

网际快车 FlashGet 去广告补丁 及其 制作方法 [支持现在最新版本] !�



Copy file...

The copy & paste doesnt work very well but I can understand. I am working on machine A, which has a virtualPC B running on it. From B I use remote desktop to connect to machine C. So when I want to copy something from C to its tsclient mapped drive Z, which is actually a drive on A which is mapped as network drive Z on B, it didnt go so well.

星期四, 十一月 13, 2008

WoG (en)

Heroes of Might and Magic 3½: In the Wake of Gods, it was created in 2001, I didnt know this until now, from wiki.



星期三, 十一月 12, 2008




星期二, 十一月 11, 2008





星期一, 十一月 10, 2008

good article to learn about .net memory issues.

if object is over 85K, then it's in LOH(large object heap), which is never compacted(?). So load/release a lot of different large objects can cause some problems.

星期五, 十一月 07, 2008





AJAX & Silverlight Framework for Web Applications - Visual WebGui

interesting demo about this today, it looks quite smooth. ajax but in winform style, much easier to use.

make sure IIS is installed, after installation of SDK, go to IIS config->sites->default sites->properties->home directory, click configuration, make sure asp.net config is on, check .aspx extension and create a new one with .wgx with same configuration.

for web application in vs.net 2008, you need to set project properties->web->specific page to form1.wgx(or what ever you want to start with).

Tone Poem : SqlClient Timeouts Revealed

"Just some notes from recent discussions internal and external of how timeouts work with SqlClient. First a classification of where timeouts can occur with SqlClient"

星期四, 十一月 06, 2008

guns dont kill people

heard this on comedy radio today, they say actually bullets kill people and guns do HELP kill people. for gun advocates, maybe we can tell them that nuclear weapons dont kill people, just let everybody have some.


BBC talked about cloud computing

well, when non-tech people want to boast those concepts, you know it's just like that stupid NPR future trends show. internet has been able to have some shared funcitonality, I use gmail/flickr/google docs etc but it's based on PC, instead of replacement for PC. they tried HTPC, where a normal pc with fancy case and some useless stupid MC software for hyped price. they trie WHS, a box with less functionality than a PC with xp pro for hyped price. see how epc works? it's enough computing power, enough resolution, functionality at REDUCED price, they sell more htan tens of millions... I'd like to have files more sync between my PCs (not really mesh style), but everything online? no thanks.

星期三, 十一月 05, 2008


如果像ridgedale mall那样厕所有儿童座位就不会有这种事情,另外应该带童车(stroller),那种可以把孩子绑在上面的。
social issues

gay 'marriage', that's not 'marriage', what ever else you want to call it or claim it, it's not gay marriage. if you support man/man, woman/woman 'marriage', you should not discriminate against people marrying their relatives, children, poligamy etc.

health insurance should cover basics for everybody, that's the base of insurance, only with a large group base, the odds will be enough for this to make sense. so individual picking what he wants or not would not work.

SPI - special processing instruction, when the system has too many of those, it means it's a bad system and needs redesign, those should processing instruction instead of tons of special ones.

星期二, 十一月 04, 2008







How to enable IME on a custom UserControl? - .NET

"By default, the system associates the input context maintained by the
default IME with each window, i.e. a control on a form, as it is created.

When a window is activated or gets focused, the system sends the
WM_IME_SETCONTENT message to the application. Then the application sends
this message to the default IME window.

Note that at this time, those controls that don't require text input, e.g.
Button, UserControl, Panel and so on, will remove the association to the
default input context from themselves. So, the the default IME is disabled.
In order to enable the IME on a custom UserControl, we could call the input
method manager (IMM) function 'ImmAssociateContext' to associate the
default input context to the custom UserControl at this time."

星期一, 十一月 03, 2008

How to hide Language Bar - MSFN Forums

;Hide CTF lang bar.

云南西北部旅行攻略(一月) (云南 昆明 大理 丽江 迪庆·香格里

1月19日 早8点,向导和包的车还有司机已经在客栈等我们了,我们出发前往虎跳峡最壮观的中虎跳,途经古雄香格里。从上面徒步下去有两条路,天梯和张老师家小路,前一条更艰险。我推荐后一条,因为前一条全是梯子,爬久了会乏味。下去上来一般玩4小时左右,我们用了3小时。之后我们前往香格里拉,途经藏家楼,与一群藏家孩子玩了会儿,住香格里拉宾馆。晚上向导带我们到了市里一家味道最棒的店,吃毛牛肉�"

苦中做乐-香格里拉行 (云南 迪庆·香格里拉 2日自助游)

出发地点:云南 丽江 云南 迪庆·香格里拉 2日自助游 同行人数:5人
文章类型:游记 出游时间:2006年7月2日-7月4日 人均费用:500元
出游类型:自助游 享受级别:快乐舒适,休闲轻松 暖冰 提供
交通工具:汽车为主 目的景点:云南 迪庆·香格里拉 白茫雪山 哈巴雪山自然保护区 卡格博峰 梅里雪山 明永冰川 纳帕海 松赞林寺 虎跳峡 哈巴雪山 神女峰 卡瓦格博 飞来寺
文章地址:http://www.izy.cn/travel_notes/d92/26210.html 复制网址"



星期五, 十月 31, 2008

公司老总非法经营股票 自称初中毕业啥也不懂_新闻中心_新浪网


星期四, 十月 30, 2008

The Nokia Phone Blog » Blog Archive » Accessory: Freedom Mini Bluetooth Keyboard Preview

nice toy, cant find it on ebay yet

8Bit Joystick.com: I need a Mad Catz RetroCON

I saw this at circuitcity long time ago(2004-2005), thought about it buying one when it's onsale but never did.






"一家替中国公司清关的清关物流公司与数名尼日利亚海关官员在货物运输过程中发生言语冲撞,更发生枪械交火" 什么公司这么牛?尼日利亚政府不喜欢合作,就驱逐他们的大使,断绝和他们的所有关系好了。



星期三, 十月 29, 2008

WePC.com - Dream - entertainment PC by htd

full feature pc phone by htd



星期二, 十月 28, 2008

JJS.@ : Software Projects : PSPdisp

use psp as a secondary pc display






barbie in your nightmare?



星期一, 十月 27, 2008

BBC NEWS | Americas | US Elections 2008 | Newsweek: Why McCain won...

50% chance he is right.. I dont like either candiadate and I cant vote any way... let's wait and see...

星期五, 十月 24, 2008



星期四, 十月 23, 2008

talk about prison and punishment system

if we dont want retribution, no hate, what do we do to killers? let them live freely and kill freely? there's gotta be some cruel but not so unusual punishment, such as death penalty we can use. also we dont want prisoners to work, but want them to live well and eat well? what about those innocent poor people outside of the prison who didnt do anything wrong just sh*t out of luck? fairness is just a word we define, how we interrupt it still depends on ourselves. there's on absolute fairness exists any way. death penalty doesnt stop crime, let them kill free probably encourages it. there are some mad people who are never afraid of death penalty, but this retribution + cruel but not so unusual punish will certain deter some 'sane' people from committing such hideous crimes.


this guy never heard of RV?



星期三, 十月 22, 2008





Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 paste url crash - MSDN Forums

This error didnt get caught by their QA?




where is the law when she got injured?

'all these killers should be killed' - blind melon Toes Across The Floor


117billion dollars bad debt and they expect to have IPO? that only happens in china.

MapMyRun.com | View Monster Half in Minneapolis, Minnesota

about to run this, need to get familiar with parking and where to get packet.

星期二, 十月 21, 2008

Experimental Gameplay Project - Crayon Physics

tons of games with physics these days, besides world of goo


two social issues

those born with bi-polar disorder arenot that proud of themselves, there's nothing to be proud of being gay... on the other side, they want marriage benefit, I think marriage is out-dated now. probably we should use a software engineer method to solve this problem. government no longer needs to support this old definition of marriage, just an 'interface' for a legal contract, which service the purpose of 'marriage', you can only get benefit from this one and only contract, any previous unresolved one will have higher precedence over any new one. so you have live with multiple people but only one has the marriage status.

another example I can think of is children with downsyndrome, when homosexual claims they are 'normal' and should be proud, even teaching little kids about prince marries prince, they are discriminating against people with other abnormality, certainly we wont discriminate against people with downsyndrome, I say hi to kid with that like any other kid, but I dont see nobody wants people to say they are so proud about being a retard, well, we got too many junkies like that already, w/o downsyndrome.

to get rid of ear mark, just enforce every legislation to have only one issue, which matches it's name/short description, only the sponsor can give speech about it in congress/senate, after that, it's a long list people vote on, but the total supported amount has to be within a certain budget. we will see online easily who votes for what...



星期一, 十月 20, 2008

99.8% of gamers don’t care about DRM, says EA | News | Custom PC

who are those customers he polled? 500 people with himself knowing DRM only himself? so many machines got nero re-installed with the OEM OS, why wont they care? also I heard spore is so full of bugs, people should sue EA for refund due to that...

Rob Miles - C# Yellow Book

free book

星期五, 十月 17, 2008


考虑可以增加一些要素进去,这样就不是单纯的减血。比如体力,体力降低,攻击力就会随之降低,发生低攻击的概率增加,防御力也降低,发生低防御的次数也增加... 魔法门里面的计算复杂度可以少为增加一点点... 另外可以考虑致命供给指数,受伤指数等等...

Epoch Times - NY Photographer Detained in Beijing

Western countries are paying tibetan separatists to KILL!


星期四, 十月 16, 2008





AVCHD/MiniBD碟报 _ 新浪博客

AVCHD/MiniBD碟报 _ 新浪博客

星期三, 十月 15, 2008




应该送humane society,没人领养人道处死。animal cruelty需要立法,公共资源/财产保护需要立法。

星期二, 十月 14, 2008

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Chinese toy firms forced to close

US and other western countries were demanding LOW prices, which caused the quality problem since the margin was already very thin, there's no way to cut corner but to quality(including safety related) same problem in other areas as well...

星期一, 十月 13, 2008

blended theories

for evolution theories, I was thinking, natural selection is probably just one part of the story. natural environment can change creature's gene, those activities probably will affect creature itself as well(as used gets more, not used gets less), so it could be a blended theory instead of just one.

the other one is about african origin or multiple origin for homo sapiens. could it be possible that a big brand spread around the world, but instead of 'taking over' of everybody, it might have blended with some local home sapiens, like what spanish did in south america, maybe. of course they can be traced back using some gene because they have some common ancestor, they could have an old ancestor which shares the same gene too.


a health care processing system?

SPI - special processing instruction... to me, it's really a bad idea to put all the information into a main frame system, the worst way to maintain and update. the big problem is not to design a new system, it's about how to get information input into the new system correctly.

I think this needs a service oriented solution, not the bloated version microsoft is evangelizing to people. just some solid service based parts working together.
  • input/output endpoints, where internal/external people used to use, update information about plans, law requirements and personal records
  • subsystem to store processing instruction, list conditions with matching processing steps
  • subsystem to store user information, endpoints will need some configuration(centralized) to know which one to contact
  • based on input and user information, find all those systems, such as different plans, states, etc, know where to ask and get informatoin, where to do stuff
  • send the results to output end points after all related subsystems are contacted and updated
Norm Colman claimed he would abondon negative ads

Just after that, saw the republican xxxx attack ads up on TV... real smart way from those politicians. it probably works for those 19% who approved GWB's work.

McCain is doing something similar, calling for R.E.S.P.E.C.T while negative ads up... so simple, so naive...

星期日, 十月 12, 2008



星期五, 十月 10, 2008



星期四, 十月 09, 2008





星期二, 十月 07, 2008

保安重阳节追打老人 家属望其向全国老人道歉_新闻中心_新浪网

保安重阳节追打老人 家属望其向全国老人道歉_新闻中心_新浪网


Animal cruelty,针对虐畜行为迫切需要立法。




Obama and McCain all blaim 'change' now, but they are part of the problem. How can they really change this system?

I dont like Al Franken, but he mentioned the rush to bail out reminded him of the rush to the iraqi war, I like that.

The medical system cant be simply solved by claiming everybody will have congress insurance, that will never happen. The doctors and hospitals are simply charging too much, besides the drug company. High accident compensation is partially to be blamed for.

I am thinking that we should create more hospitals that hire doctors who charge less, make those hospitals train doctors, charge them less tuition so we get more qualified doctors who actually worked on people, instead of just repeating books and avoiding responsibilities. At the same time, compensation is limited to only who ever needed. The people who caused accident should be punished in the system severely, not just through giving relatives money. This will be affordable medication. Make drug patent time as long as everybody else, so americans are not the lab rats who pay high money for those new drugs. Those hospital wont totally replace the current ones, as the expensive ones will offer better facilities, who ever can afford can go to good hospitals but for everybody else, there's a place to go. This can be created by government help, not just government owned institute. Make them non-profit and keep this healthy cycle to make it grow.



BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China makes Nobel prize warning

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China makes Nobel prize warning
They've given this 'peace' award to war criminals and terrorists before, how much worse can it be?

星期一, 十月 06, 2008

ReadOnlyRichTextBox - Roland Weigelt
This is a lot better than the previous solution, I think I found this before... what ever, set style then you dont need to set Enabled = false. Then you can set backcolor etc to make it look what ever you want. :)
        public ReadOnlyRichTextBox()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

I knew that I had the perfect solution before.

const int WM_SETFOCUS = 0x0007;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
// We don't want the RichTextBox to be able to receive focus, so just
// pass the focus back to the control it came from.
IntPtr prevCtl = m.WParam;
Control c = Control.FromHandle(prevCtl);
base.WndProc (ref m);


System.Windows.Forms.Textbox Disabled BackColor « Savij
need to override onpaint to keep the color when textbox/richtextbox is disabled, but at least there's a way.
Troubleshooting Remote Desktop Licensing Error Messages: Terminal Services Client (Remote Desktop)
just encountered this today with a newly setup windows on vmware...



星期五, 十月 03, 2008

About the VP debate

I found that I like voice of Biden, it's a little similar to Bill Clinton's voice. Palin's voice is just horrible and I dont like obama or mccain's either.

The iraq war issue - Biden said he and obama will end the war, after a long pause, Palin said troops dont like white flag and surge is working. Well, why Biden didnt find reference about how 'toops' want to go home in vietnamese and korean war? Why he didnt find reference about how 'increase of troops' (since it's been so long, it' s not a surge) can show some 'winning illusion' in those previous war? Why he didnt mention how 'AMERICAN PEOPLE' hate spending so much money on the war and this brings down the economy?

I guess it's because none of the politician cares about people.

For legislation, what ever they attache to this stupid 700billion 'rescue plan' bill, it's an EAR MARK, McCain claimed he's against it, now he's all for it. Let's put ads for the group of 4 (maybe add Hilary Clinton, WG Bush to make it 6). Showing how they 'swing' their claims and votes ... add some music like the old ANTI John Kerry ads. :) Ralph Nader, I dont think you can do a thing to change this country and I think you are a just another politician but if I can vote, I will vote for you instead of Ron Paul. Back to the legislation part, I think each bill should just be a single bill, nothing unrelated should be put in there, even the spending bill should not including anything unnecessary, make each spending its own bill and submit it before deadline. Now let people who sponsor the bill give speech and put it online for everybody to read. Just like an election, let senate and house vote on ballot with all those items. Each of them have to give 500+ words explanation why they are for or against each item they voted, they cant give up on any vote. Hey, it's their job to do that!

星期四, 十月 02, 2008


interesting site.
Let's dream about a new console gaming PC...
  • Current console has special hardware design, which is getting more and more costly, when PC performance is growing rapidly, they get oudated really fast too...
  • Current console is usually sold at a loss, for the first year or longer...
  • So, how about something close enough to a PC but designed for console gaming, besides the PC functionality?
  • I am thinking about a gaming PC with optimized CPU/GPU bandwidth like old xbox and xbox360, but with x386 CPU
  • PC game companies complain about a few things:
    • highend gaming pc is too expensive, not so many people can afford it
    • piracy, those who spend that much money on gaming pc know about piracy (some recent interviews mentioned this)
    • too many different hardware, accessories, it's hard to test for them all and it's hard to do optimization
  • so we can limit hardware, only certain 'certified' video card, motherboard, peripherals can be supported by this, less trouble, easier optimization... you can go with the optimized setting or you can get a little less pleasant experience by config stuff your way... (like your car)
  • the more security steps, the easier for it to break, since hackers only need to break one chain... so maybe the security is only in the BD(or what ever high capacity media reader in future). let's lock it down, put os/dash all in a single chip of this drive, either detect and alarm when the drive is dissembled or make it impossible to solder wire to break anything internal
  • this hardware may be manufactured by any hardware company, as long as it follows the rule and certification. let's limit the functionality variation, maybe just some clock/memory difference or just clock difference.
  • but companies have to make money on it, I am thinking a licensing mechanism for who ever design it (license for os/dash cost), just like license for any SDK cost, game development kit cost.
  • dev kit will be simple and people can run their own stuff outside of the dash with the PC part of the API. then it's sealed by who ever licenses os/dash to make it the console part application. make it easier to people to create/share stuff, the PC part is free for all, the console part is through license process...
  • It has to have game, if ms will abondon xenon, they might be able to do it, but sony wont abondon cell... maybe EA can do it...
  • one more thought, each machine will have one sim card like device which you can use to activate games for your device. each game media/disc needs to be activated for your console to be played (at retail store, when order online or you can do it yourself online if you buy it from some one else on ebay). it will remove the ability for other people to play this game... this sounds troublesome though...

星期三, 十月 01, 2008

Apple Apparently Turned $570 Million Profit from ITunes Last Year | Listening Post from Wired.com

Apple Apparently Turned $570 Million Profit from ITunes Last Year | Listening Post from Wired.com: "Update: In response to the comment below, Apple apparently keeps 29 cents out of each 99-cent song, which could be where Billboard's 30 percent profit margin is coming from. If anyone reading this has a Billboard subscription, please let us know their conclusion below (I'm not going to subscribe to Billboard just to see the second half of a single news story)."

I dont think apple will shut down iTune for 6c less profit on each song.

BBC NEWS | Technology | iTunes store shutdown feared

BBC NEWS | Technology | iTunes store shutdown feared: "A veiled threat by Apple to close its iTunes store has emerged 18 months after it was issued and just a day before royalty rates are to be set.

The Copyright Royalty Board meets on Thursday to rule on a requested 66% increase for sales of digital music from 9 cents to 15 cents a track.

A rise would have to be paid by either Apple, the record company or consumer.

Apple opposed the rate hike and has said it is unwilling to raise its 99 cents a song price or absorb a rise."

How much profit does apple make on 99c songs?

星期一, 九月 29, 2008

why should people pay for doctors' fault?

when doctors failed to do their duty that caused death or severe injury, lawsuits come in to ask for huge compensation. I dont think compensation really helps parents who lost their child due to this. no money can buy back life. I only see some one's living spouse who cant take care of himself/herself and dependent children should get helped. why a sibling would claim huge compenstation for some one dead that way?

the second part is the doctor should be punished properly, instead of insurance claim which results in patients paying huge bills becaues bad hospitals and bad doctors are not doing their jobs and NOT taking real responsibilities!

the last part is about insurance company. cant we simplify insurance so we can just do it with less margin to the 'insurance company'?


中国将于2010至2011年底发射天宫一号飞行器_新闻中心_新浪网: "秦文波表示,空间对接的难点在于飞行过程中,两个飞行器的接近是否能紧紧抓在一起。只能把速度降到很慢,然后连接在一起。"


星期五, 九月 26, 2008


打篮球出这种问题不考虑动机么?到底是谁撞谁?这么要求赔偿法,大家在一起活动之前都需要集体签一个liability waiver才好。


Winplay : Guitar Hero 3 Mobile (One time Purchase)
only $6.99, I dont know if I would play much of it, but it seems cheap buy any way.

星期四, 九月 25, 2008

How are republicans ever for 'small' government?

They spent so much and started so many wars, basically turned the economy as part of the government. They force people to follow their 'moral' value instead of giving people freedom to do what they want. They want to 'deregulate' but when things fail, they just want to squeeze more pennies out of the poor to bail out those super rich.

I am not saying democrats are any better though, that's why I consider myself a conservative anarchist.
At sears, they take the '5 min' pick up time seriously

I went there yesterday. After I scan my pick up slip and credit card, it starts to show my time ticking on the CRT above, besides it, it shows 100% within 5 min for today and 99.2% for last month. That seems pretty good.

After I got my item (not loaded), one guy touching the touch screen really fast to show I got my item and it stoppped a few seconds before 5 min. They must have some incentive to have everything done that way before 5 min. It looks like they are not too happy about giving people $5 off coupon after 5 min.

The only problem is, they charged my credit card 2 weeks ago before I got notified that I can pick up my item.

星期五, 九月 19, 2008



搞集资的官员没有别处理,还是zheng xiaoyu因为贪污被抓起来之前的话说的好:如果我是贪官,中国就没有清官了。
This aint no presidential election...

Heard the music rocking and crowd cheering, candidates B.S... I dont think any of them really want to, can or will change the country. It's controled by the same group of people any way. People just want to hear rock n roll, get doped and get high.

星期四, 九月 18, 2008

  • 取消除权股,董事会通过决议要通过股民投票
  • 取消股权/期货权交易,美国最近也取消了naked sale,减少纯投机行为
  • 房地产方面,禁止任何未完成楼盘收任何款项,保证购房户权益

星期一, 九月 15, 2008

Physical Therapy Corner: Running Injuries — Portal

Physical Therapy Corner: Running Injuries — Portal: "How to prevent them, or if you have one, what to do?

Are you a runner?? Then you have probably had an injury at some time during your running career..."

星期三, 九月 10, 2008

Char Validation Text Box with error tooltip

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

/// Show tooltip and prevent user input invalid characters defined in char[]
/// Need to hookup Container.OnMove, [MouseEnter] to HideTooltip
public class CharValidationTextBox : TextBox
private char[] INVALID_CHARS = new char[] { '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '\"', '<', '>', '|' };
private string WARNING = "A prefix cannot contain any of the following characters:\r\n\t";
private ToolTip _tooltip = new ToolTip();
private bool _first = true;

public CharValidationTextBox()

public CharValidationTextBox(string invalid_chars)
INVALID_CHARS = invalid_chars.ToCharArray();


private void SetTooltip()

_tooltip.IsBalloon = true;

KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(CharValidationTextBox_KeyDown);
KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(CharValidationTextBox_KeyPress);
LostFocus += new EventHandler(CharValidationTextBox_LostFocus);

private void FixArrowAlign()
_tooltip.Active = false;
_tooltip.SetToolTip(this, WARNING);
_tooltip.Active = true;
_tooltip.SetToolTip(this, string.Empty);

public static string charsToString(char[] chars)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(chars.Length);
foreach (char ch in chars)
builder.Append(' ');
return builder.ToString();

public void HideToolTip()

public void ShowToolTip()
if (_first)
_first = false;

_tooltip.Show(WARNING, this, Width / 2, Height / 2, _tooltip.AutoPopDelay);

void CharValidationTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
foreach (char ch in INVALID_CHARS)
if (ch == e.KeyChar)
e.Handled = true;

void CharValidationTextBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V)
string text = Clipboard.GetText();
if (text.IndexOfAny(INVALID_CHARS) >= 0)
e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

void CharValidationTextBox_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)

C# Tooltip ComboBox

Found some nice example from Zhixin Ye's post at msdn forum and updated it.

For better display result, need to hookup container form Move, MouseEnter events and call HideToolTip();

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

/// Show tooltip for combobox
/// Parent needs to handle move/mouseenter event and call HideTooltip
class TooltipCombobox : ComboBox
ToolTip _tooltip = new ToolTip();
int _index = -1;
Point _point = new Point();

public TooltipCombobox()
DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(TooltipCombobox_DrawItem);
LostFocus += new EventHandler(TooltipCombobox_LostFocus);

public void HideTooltip()

void TooltipCombobox_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
void TooltipCombobox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Index <>= Items.Count)

string text = GetItemText(Items[e.Index]);


using (SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor))
e.Graphics.DrawString(text, e.Font, br, e.Bounds);

if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)
SizeF sf = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, this.Font);
if (sf.Width > this.Width)
int y = e.Bounds.Top - 1;
if ((e.State & DrawItemState.ComboBoxEdit) != DrawItemState.ComboBoxEdit)
y = e.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

_index = e.Index;
_point.X = e.Bounds.Left;
_point.Y = y;
_tooltip.Show(text, this, e.Bounds.Left, y);


星期二, 九月 09, 2008

managed GPS code from 'out of the box'

found the link in another msdn blog.

星期一, 九月 08, 2008


So vista sp1 and xp sp3 break the RDP client, some one figured out that by replacing 
  • mstsc.exe
  • mstscax.dll
from older version you got them back. I haven't applied either bug pack to my boxes yet so I dont have this problem. anybody has experiencing using this way to fix their boxes?

Dean Takahashi completes chronicles of Xbox 360 red ring of death

This reminds me of what my friend at IBM told me that M$ knew about some xo power problem but doesnt listen to them, also they switch to 'cheaper' manufacture even knowing their defect rate is higher. I bet the management gave themselves tons of incentives due to those cost 'cutting' decisions. 

Also I wonder why the 'angery left' dont call those 'christian conservatives' the real name - 'christian fundemantalists'.

星期四, 九月 04, 2008


"I know it sounds expensive to a lot of consumers but we are comparable to those types of drives and also we have to go through a lot more testing and security. When we buy from suppliers we require a lot more spec reports and tests because that drive has to be able to perform at specific speeds all the time in order to support our environment and our gameplay experiences. Those are not the same specs that they are able to deliver to with off-the-shelf drives.”

Yeah, with so much testing, the RROD is still not gone.

Explore, browse and analyze .NET assemblies

.NET Reflector enables you to easily view, navigate, and search through the class hierarchies of .NET assemblies even if you don't have the code for them. With it, you can decompile and analyze .NET assemblies in C#, Visual Basic and IL.

星期三, 九月 03, 2008


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