星期一, 十月 13, 2008

a health care processing system?

SPI - special processing instruction... to me, it's really a bad idea to put all the information into a main frame system, the worst way to maintain and update. the big problem is not to design a new system, it's about how to get information input into the new system correctly.

I think this needs a service oriented solution, not the bloated version microsoft is evangelizing to people. just some solid service based parts working together.
  • input/output endpoints, where internal/external people used to use, update information about plans, law requirements and personal records
  • subsystem to store processing instruction, list conditions with matching processing steps
  • subsystem to store user information, endpoints will need some configuration(centralized) to know which one to contact
  • based on input and user information, find all those systems, such as different plans, states, etc, know where to ask and get informatoin, where to do stuff
  • send the results to output end points after all related subsystems are contacted and updated

