星期五, 十月 03, 2008

About the VP debate

I found that I like voice of Biden, it's a little similar to Bill Clinton's voice. Palin's voice is just horrible and I dont like obama or mccain's either.

The iraq war issue - Biden said he and obama will end the war, after a long pause, Palin said troops dont like white flag and surge is working. Well, why Biden didnt find reference about how 'toops' want to go home in vietnamese and korean war? Why he didnt find reference about how 'increase of troops' (since it's been so long, it' s not a surge) can show some 'winning illusion' in those previous war? Why he didnt mention how 'AMERICAN PEOPLE' hate spending so much money on the war and this brings down the economy?

I guess it's because none of the politician cares about people.

For legislation, what ever they attache to this stupid 700billion 'rescue plan' bill, it's an EAR MARK, McCain claimed he's against it, now he's all for it. Let's put ads for the group of 4 (maybe add Hilary Clinton, WG Bush to make it 6). Showing how they 'swing' their claims and votes ... add some music like the old ANTI John Kerry ads. :) Ralph Nader, I dont think you can do a thing to change this country and I think you are a just another politician but if I can vote, I will vote for you instead of Ron Paul. Back to the legislation part, I think each bill should just be a single bill, nothing unrelated should be put in there, even the spending bill should not including anything unnecessary, make each spending its own bill and submit it before deadline. Now let people who sponsor the bill give speech and put it online for everybody to read. Just like an election, let senate and house vote on ballot with all those items. Each of them have to give 500+ words explanation why they are for or against each item they voted, they cant give up on any vote. Hey, it's their job to do that!

