星期二, 九月 02, 2008

Google chrome is out

It's really fast, I am using it and no longer uses firefox. Since I have those sites in different domains require managed password, firefox needs IE tab and RDP activeX doesnt work well with firefox, etc. 

Things I dont like about it so far:
  • mouse wheel up doesnt work (is it just me?) wheel down works
  • the installation requires a web download, no green installation(which I prefer), not even a normla setup file. the files I found under application data\google doesnt install it for me on a 2nd box, I have several virtualPCs plus several desktops, laptops, have to download 22m file online each time?
  • no source code yet, isnt this open source? 
  • no plugin, I have to use blogger the old fashion way, cant use that toolbar shortcut any more (this includes no ad blocking, which is a plugin I like for firefox, it's quite apparent that ad company doesnt like adblock)
I dont believe in 'dont be evil', let along 'do no evil'. it's just like apple now, it's an evil you love and cherish.

