星期一, 九月 29, 2008

why should people pay for doctors' fault?

when doctors failed to do their duty that caused death or severe injury, lawsuits come in to ask for huge compensation. I dont think compensation really helps parents who lost their child due to this. no money can buy back life. I only see some one's living spouse who cant take care of himself/herself and dependent children should get helped. why a sibling would claim huge compenstation for some one dead that way?

the second part is the doctor should be punished properly, instead of insurance claim which results in patients paying huge bills becaues bad hospitals and bad doctors are not doing their jobs and NOT taking real responsibilities!

the last part is about insurance company. cant we simplify insurance so we can just do it with less margin to the 'insurance company'?


中国将于2010至2011年底发射天宫一号飞行器_新闻中心_新浪网: "秦文波表示,空间对接的难点在于飞行过程中,两个飞行器的接近是否能紧紧抓在一起。只能把速度降到很慢,然后连接在一起。"


星期五, 九月 26, 2008


打篮球出这种问题不考虑动机么?到底是谁撞谁?这么要求赔偿法,大家在一起活动之前都需要集体签一个liability waiver才好。


Winplay : Guitar Hero 3 Mobile (One time Purchase)
only $6.99, I dont know if I would play much of it, but it seems cheap buy any way.

星期四, 九月 25, 2008

How are republicans ever for 'small' government?

They spent so much and started so many wars, basically turned the economy as part of the government. They force people to follow their 'moral' value instead of giving people freedom to do what they want. They want to 'deregulate' but when things fail, they just want to squeeze more pennies out of the poor to bail out those super rich.

I am not saying democrats are any better though, that's why I consider myself a conservative anarchist.
At sears, they take the '5 min' pick up time seriously

I went there yesterday. After I scan my pick up slip and credit card, it starts to show my time ticking on the CRT above, besides it, it shows 100% within 5 min for today and 99.2% for last month. That seems pretty good.

After I got my item (not loaded), one guy touching the touch screen really fast to show I got my item and it stoppped a few seconds before 5 min. They must have some incentive to have everything done that way before 5 min. It looks like they are not too happy about giving people $5 off coupon after 5 min.

The only problem is, they charged my credit card 2 weeks ago before I got notified that I can pick up my item.

星期五, 九月 19, 2008



搞集资的官员没有别处理,还是zheng xiaoyu因为贪污被抓起来之前的话说的好:如果我是贪官,中国就没有清官了。
This aint no presidential election...

Heard the music rocking and crowd cheering, candidates B.S... I dont think any of them really want to, can or will change the country. It's controled by the same group of people any way. People just want to hear rock n roll, get doped and get high.

星期四, 九月 18, 2008

  • 取消除权股,董事会通过决议要通过股民投票
  • 取消股权/期货权交易,美国最近也取消了naked sale,减少纯投机行为
  • 房地产方面,禁止任何未完成楼盘收任何款项,保证购房户权益

星期一, 九月 15, 2008

Physical Therapy Corner: Running Injuries — Portal

Physical Therapy Corner: Running Injuries — Portal: "How to prevent them, or if you have one, what to do?

Are you a runner?? Then you have probably had an injury at some time during your running career..."

星期三, 九月 10, 2008

Char Validation Text Box with error tooltip

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

/// Show tooltip and prevent user input invalid characters defined in char[]
/// Need to hookup Container.OnMove, [MouseEnter] to HideTooltip
public class CharValidationTextBox : TextBox
private char[] INVALID_CHARS = new char[] { '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '\"', '<', '>', '|' };
private string WARNING = "A prefix cannot contain any of the following characters:\r\n\t";
private ToolTip _tooltip = new ToolTip();
private bool _first = true;

public CharValidationTextBox()

public CharValidationTextBox(string invalid_chars)
INVALID_CHARS = invalid_chars.ToCharArray();


private void SetTooltip()

_tooltip.IsBalloon = true;

KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(CharValidationTextBox_KeyDown);
KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(CharValidationTextBox_KeyPress);
LostFocus += new EventHandler(CharValidationTextBox_LostFocus);

private void FixArrowAlign()
_tooltip.Active = false;
_tooltip.SetToolTip(this, WARNING);
_tooltip.Active = true;
_tooltip.SetToolTip(this, string.Empty);

public static string charsToString(char[] chars)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(chars.Length);
foreach (char ch in chars)
builder.Append(' ');
return builder.ToString();

public void HideToolTip()

public void ShowToolTip()
if (_first)
_first = false;

_tooltip.Show(WARNING, this, Width / 2, Height / 2, _tooltip.AutoPopDelay);

void CharValidationTextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
foreach (char ch in INVALID_CHARS)
if (ch == e.KeyChar)
e.Handled = true;

void CharValidationTextBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V)
string text = Clipboard.GetText();
if (text.IndexOfAny(INVALID_CHARS) >= 0)
e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

void CharValidationTextBox_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)

C# Tooltip ComboBox

Found some nice example from Zhixin Ye's post at msdn forum and updated it.

For better display result, need to hookup container form Move, MouseEnter events and call HideToolTip();

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

/// Show tooltip for combobox
/// Parent needs to handle move/mouseenter event and call HideTooltip
class TooltipCombobox : ComboBox
ToolTip _tooltip = new ToolTip();
int _index = -1;
Point _point = new Point();

public TooltipCombobox()
DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(TooltipCombobox_DrawItem);
LostFocus += new EventHandler(TooltipCombobox_LostFocus);

public void HideTooltip()

void TooltipCombobox_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
void TooltipCombobox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Index <>= Items.Count)

string text = GetItemText(Items[e.Index]);


using (SolidBrush br = new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor))
e.Graphics.DrawString(text, e.Font, br, e.Bounds);

if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)
SizeF sf = e.Graphics.MeasureString(text, this.Font);
if (sf.Width > this.Width)
int y = e.Bounds.Top - 1;
if ((e.State & DrawItemState.ComboBoxEdit) != DrawItemState.ComboBoxEdit)
y = e.Bounds.Bottom + 5;

_index = e.Index;
_point.X = e.Bounds.Left;
_point.Y = y;
_tooltip.Show(text, this, e.Bounds.Left, y);


星期二, 九月 09, 2008

managed GPS code from 'out of the box'

found the link in another msdn blog.

星期一, 九月 08, 2008


So vista sp1 and xp sp3 break the RDP client, some one figured out that by replacing 
  • mstsc.exe
  • mstscax.dll
from older version you got them back. I haven't applied either bug pack to my boxes yet so I dont have this problem. anybody has experiencing using this way to fix their boxes?

Dean Takahashi completes chronicles of Xbox 360 red ring of death

This reminds me of what my friend at IBM told me that M$ knew about some xo power problem but doesnt listen to them, also they switch to 'cheaper' manufacture even knowing their defect rate is higher. I bet the management gave themselves tons of incentives due to those cost 'cutting' decisions. 

Also I wonder why the 'angery left' dont call those 'christian conservatives' the real name - 'christian fundemantalists'.

星期四, 九月 04, 2008


"I know it sounds expensive to a lot of consumers but we are comparable to those types of drives and also we have to go through a lot more testing and security. When we buy from suppliers we require a lot more spec reports and tests because that drive has to be able to perform at specific speeds all the time in order to support our environment and our gameplay experiences. Those are not the same specs that they are able to deliver to with off-the-shelf drives.”

Yeah, with so much testing, the RROD is still not gone.

Explore, browse and analyze .NET assemblies

.NET Reflector enables you to easily view, navigate, and search through the class hierarchies of .NET assemblies even if you don't have the code for them. With it, you can decompile and analyze .NET assemblies in C#, Visual Basic and IL.

星期三, 九月 03, 2008


Evil Evil Evil

11. Content license from you

11.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to display, distribute and promote the Services and may be revoked for certain Services as defined in the Additional Terms of those Services.

More on Google Chrome Browser

At my home vista machine, it's pretty slow. I know that laptop is slow, 1G RAM celeron CPU vista home basic, but firefox, photoshop seem to be faster. Chrome with 3 tabs cause the machine to be quite unusable. The mouse wheel up/down works at home though.

Also the source code IS available!

Now we just need some one to create adblock for Chrome, I will ditch firefox completely. If at all possible, when Chrome can handle activeX (RDP etc), then I will stop using IE as well.

星期二, 九月 02, 2008

Google chrome is out

It's really fast, I am using it and no longer uses firefox. Since I have those sites in different domains require managed password, firefox needs IE tab and RDP activeX doesnt work well with firefox, etc. 

Things I dont like about it so far:
  • mouse wheel up doesnt work (is it just me?) wheel down works
  • the installation requires a web download, no green installation(which I prefer), not even a normla setup file. the files I found under application data\google doesnt install it for me on a 2nd box, I have several virtualPCs plus several desktops, laptops, have to download 22m file online each time?
  • no source code yet, isnt this open source? 
  • no plugin, I have to use blogger the old fashion way, cant use that toolbar shortcut any more (this includes no ad blocking, which is a plugin I like for firefox, it's quite apparent that ad company doesnt like adblock)
I dont believe in 'dont be evil', let along 'do no evil'. it's just like apple now, it's an evil you love and cherish.