星期三, 十月 03, 2007

.NET Framework Source Code to Ship with Orcas


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via MSDN Blogs by ccalvert on 10/3/07

In what is easily the single best piece of news I have heard since coming to Microsoft, Scott Guthrie has announced today that we will be releasing the source code to the .NET framework when we ship Visual Studio 2008 later this year.

An option will be made available to allow you to step directly into the source from your own code, so you can see exactly what is happening in the .NET framework. This is exactly what developers need, and it will greatly improve the experience of developing on the .NET Framework .

Scott says that the source code and comments to the following will be released:

  • BCL libraries (System, System.IO, System.Collections, System.Configuration, System.Threading, System.NET, System.Security, System.Runtime, System.Text, etc)
  • Windows Forms
  • XML (System.Xml)
  • WPF

The code will be made available on the web, and there will be an option to download it to your machine. Other libraries to be added later include:

  • LINQ
  • WCF
  • Workflow

There is very little I can add to this announcement except to say that it makes me extremely happy. I feel proud to work for a company that offers not only the best tools available, but also open access to the source so that the whole community can fully understand these great frameworks and better debug the tricky parts of their applications.

Here is a link to Scott's post:



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