星期五, 五月 04, 2012

How to access an SD card with the Sony Tablet S

On Android version 3.2.1, the applications pre-installed by Sony on the Tablet S only search the internal “USB storage” which is mapped to /mnt/sdcard/.  You can access your SD card from the path /mnt/sdcard2/ and the following instructions will help make it appear to enable easy access to your files:
  1. Download and install ES File Explorer from Google Play;
  2. Open the application and go to Menu > Settings;
  3. Under “Path settings” enable the checkbox “Up to Root”;
  4. Go back to the local file listing and press the “Up” button on the toolbar;
  5. You should now see the folders “sdcard” and “sdcard2” – the second one contains your SD files;
  6. To set this as a favourite, long-press on the “sdcard2” folder and select “Bookmark”.

