星期三, 五月 09, 2012

Your class can never be moron proof. It can only make you look like a moron.
Gay marriage is like vegetarian chicken dishes. If you are really into that kind of stuff, maybe you should get the real thing. (I am not against it, but it's for the wrong purpose.)

星期五, 五月 04, 2012

How to access an SD card with the Sony Tablet S

On Android version 3.2.1, the applications pre-installed by Sony on the Tablet S only search the internal “USB storage” which is mapped to /mnt/sdcard/.  You can access your SD card from the path /mnt/sdcard2/ and the following instructions will help make it appear to enable easy access to your files:
  1. Download and install ES File Explorer from Google Play;
  2. Open the application and go to Menu > Settings;
  3. Under “Path settings” enable the checkbox “Up to Root”;
  4. Go back to the local file listing and press the “Up” button on the toolbar;
  5. You should now see the folders “sdcard” and “sdcard2” – the second one contains your SD files;
  6. To set this as a favourite, long-press on the “sdcard2” folder and select “Bookmark”.