星期四, 六月 30, 2011



男子性侵15岁男孩无法定罪被拘15天_新闻中心_新浪网 "无法可依,有法不依,执法不严,违法不究"



星期二, 六月 28, 2011


星期一, 六月 27, 2011

忽然明白了 为什么跑步机上跑得容易


星期日, 六月 26, 2011



星期五, 六月 24, 2011

TREADMILL RUNNING - Training With Dr.Romanov

TREADMILL RUNNING - Training With Dr.Romanov
"The difference between running on the treadmill and running over ground can be discussed from mechanical, biomechanical and physiological points of view.

From the point of view of mechanics there is no difference between belt moving under our feet and our body moving forward in over ground running provided the velocity is the same. Indeed we are operating here with the same speed and consequently with the same forces on the ground and the same muscular efforts.

While it doesn't matter for mechanics which of the interacting bodies is moving: the belt or the body, it is not so for biomechanics. It makes a big difference there. The major one lies in the fact that in treadmill running, unlike over ground running, our upper body is not moving forward, it's our feet that are moved backwards by the running belt. This difference creates a different bio-motor pattern of the movement, where we have to produce some (otherwise undesirable) activity of the upper body to keep it against tipping over the support foot on the belt of the treadmill in order to keep the body in balance. So we have to hold our body to keep it from falling forward and we have to catch the running belt instead of our falling body. "

Oriental (Asian ) Vegetable Seed-AgroHaitai Ltd, Ontario Canada

Oriental (Asian ) Vegetable Seed-AgroHaitai Ltd, Ontario Canada: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

星期三, 六月 22, 2011

‎"That one got a 'pants on fire' rating -- kind of like the filet mignon of bullsh*t." -- Jon Stewart listing false statements made by Fox News http://on.cc.com/jmxXHo
S.C.A.M 3
Heard that who ever claimed disability, including mental disability might get $2500/month from government. That's way too easy for people to try to false claim stuff. Why cannot they require those people who have mental or other disability to live in a government facility and most of that money will be used to pay for the facility? The rest can be credit they can use on approved items in the facility. Then they can receive more proper care instead of living on their own. I doubt people without real disability will want it too. Same for low income people who get food stamp and money from government, I think they should be forced to join the communion so they can get trained and work for other people to receive food stamp that can be only used in the communion for what's approved. This way there will be less chance they can sell their food stamp to buy alcohol and drugs.

星期二, 六月 21, 2011


Download Skype Video Call on Android

Download Skype Video Call on Android: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"


S.C.A.M 2
atheist is a word full of hate and it's a misleading word. one who doesn't believe in god doesn't mean he believes there's no god. I'd prefer 'non-believer' for those who don't want to believe and I think it's an important concept in SCAM. With which you don't believe in anything.
homophobia is another misleading word and it's also hateful. why would anybody be afraid of homosexuality? They dislike it, resent it but they don't fear it. There's no need to have discrimination involved. Some don't like others abusing drugs, speeding. Police gives ticket for people who speed, police is not speeding-phobia, is it?

星期二, 六月 14, 2011

S.C.A.M 1
social conservative anarchist movement
well, always wanted to write down this title. this is a start. for those who don't simply believe in anything.

星期五, 六月 10, 2011

断裂中的重庆打黑 - FT中文网

断裂中的重庆打黑 - FT中文网

来自美国 [ 匿名 ] 的原贴:


星期一, 六月 06, 2011

