星期一, 五月 09, 2011

Don't get caught in food-label trap | StarTribune.com

Don't get caught in food-label trap | StarTribune.com: "

The term 'natural' is not well-defined by the FDA, so when you see the word on the label, just ignore it.

2 Cholesterol-free

All foods that come from a plant -- such as fruits, veggies, grains, nuts and seeds -- are free of cholesterol. So 'cholesterol-free' labels on those foods mean nothing.

3 Trans-fat-free

Be aware that trace amounts of trans fat can be hidden in many foods. The giveaway: Look for words such as 'partially hydrogenated' on the ingredient list.

4 Organic

Organic foods can be expensive, but they aren't always worth it. Be strategic about splurging your hard-earned cash on organic products.

5 Sugars: added vs. natural

Look at the ingredients to decipher if the sugar is natural or added to the product.

6 Omega-3 fats

Not all omega-3s are created equal. Those from flax (called ALA) don't have all the benefits (such as helping with heart health) when compared with the omega-3s derived from fatty fish such as salmon and tuna (called DHA and EPA). Knowing which types of omega-3 fats are in foods is the important part.


Just like omega-3 fats, not all fibers are created equal. Some fiber is added to food products and might not be as healthy as fiber that's naturally occurring.


In some cases, 'reduced-fat' might mean that more sugar was added to replace some of the flavor.

9Serving size

The most common mistake around: Thinking the calories on the label are for the entire product. Always check the serving size.

10Added vitamins and minerals

Just because a product has 100 percent of the daily value for vitamins and minerals doesn't mean it should be in your shopping cart.

