星期五, 九月 24, 2010

U.S. workers pay for undervalued Chinese currency - MarketWatch

U.S. workers pay for undervalued Chinese currency - MarketWatch
Apparently comments make more sense than the propoganda from Ruth Mantell.

16 minutes ago
the american workers wont work for lower wages like the chinese workers do !
They will prefer to stay at home collecting their unemployment checks
this is just another move to stimulate inflation into the economy.

I am just hoping that china sell off all US debt and finds another country to export !
The world is a huge place and there are many takers for it !
RMB is the world currency accept it or not !

steveforever 13 minutes ago

Who closed the plants here and sent products to be manufactured in China?
Our beloved companies.
Who fired a lot of white collars here and opened call-centres in India?
Our beloved companies.
Japan too has a lot of plants in China. Can we do differently?
Yeah,opening plants in Vietnam and Bangladesh.
Cheaper countries will always exist.
We want high profits and full employment.
Very difficult.

OldYeller 10 minutes ago

When it would have done the most good to try to limit Yuan influence was 20yrs ago before that cheap Yuan policy started stripping every manufacturing job out of America. But no.. it wasn't an issue with Greenspan....

Most jobs now because of our past monetary policies are NOT manufacturing. In fact, our economy is 70% consumer consumption with a staggering amount of those consumed goods coming from the PRC including foods, medical devices and prescription drugs.

A move toward a stronger Yuan now means much higher prices for all American consumers again I say of which 70% of our economy is related to which will destroy more jobs than it helps and further weaken ALL of us going forward.

Fact is that Bernanke wants a weak dollar to weaken the debts this Government has created at the expense of every American. The Gov gets breathing room as the citizens get slaughtered.

We are essentially so deep in debt we are painted into a corner with no place to go thanks to our Government's policies.

