星期二, 七月 14, 2009

转一段nyt读者的评论,写得不错。 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

转一段nyt读者的评论,写得不错。 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

This situation is complicated, and like most stories, perhaps the truth is
somewhere in between. While each case has its own specific background,
parallels to this incident can be seen in other inter-ethnic conflicts
around the world (Chinese - Malay), Fiji (Fijian - Indian), Indonesia (
Chinese- Indonesian), United States - LA, Watts (Black-White), Spain (Basque
-Spanish)etc. etc

These incidents are all unfortunate, and due to inequalities (real or
perceived) or perhaps by historical rivalries or unexplained racial hatred.

What is clear however, is that when such incidences occur in China, the West
seems to exploit them to push its agenda against the Chinese government,
justifying and excusing the rioters excesses (Uigher or Tibetan).

On the contrary, I don’t think I recall the western media using the LA
riots to indict the US government for its oppression of minorities or
support / ignore some of the thuggery of the rioters against innocent people
, often white (recall truck driver Reginald Denny), in the same way they
gloss over violence against Han Chinese.

Furthermore, lack of ethnic violence or strife in Western countries, is not
an indication of perfect non-discriminatory societies.

In fact it could highlight the fact that the Maori in NZ (Maori up until the
70s were often caned at school for speaking their language), Aboriginal in
Australia (Tasmanian aboriginals were wiped out by the middle of the 20
Century) or North American Indian or Black people in the US, or indigenous
and black people in Brazil have been so disenfranchised due to the genocide
against their culture and language, that they no longer even understand the
notion of independence.

While there are probably genuine grievances in China among certain
minorities, I feel it is incorrect and hypocritical for Western governments
and media to get behind / support any outburst of riotous violence, in order
to take the moral high ground against China. Inter-ethnic violence is a
terrible thing, and should not be used by West (media / government) as a
tool for advancing self-interest.

Furthermore people should have a look in their own backyards before rushing
to judgment on what is happening in their neighbours.

— Mark

