星期三, 七月 29, 2009





星期五, 七月 24, 2009




星期三, 七月 22, 2009

Anti-Patterns To Avoid In Entity Framework N-Tier Applications

Anti-Patterns To Avoid In Entity Framework N-Tier Applications
"Anti-Pattern #2: Assuming Static Requirements
Speaking of changes to the system, sometimes you design around an assumption that requirements will remain static, but there are two cases where changing requirements have an especially significant impact. One comes from treating the client as trusted, and the other occurs when the mid-tier service assumes the client will be implemented using a particular technology."
Pattern and decoupling assumes the interface is static and will never change, when overall requirement keeps changing, the database schema could be totally invalid at some point of game, thus the store proc and interfaces are all invalid. that's where you lost all your decoupling benefit and feel more pain about adapting to the new design.

Anti-Patterns To Avoid In Entity Framework N-Tier Applications

Anti-Patterns To Avoid In Entity Framework N-Tier Applications
"Loose coupling is more difficult than tight coupling, and often the performance is not as good. You start off with the best of intentions, but end up asking if the benefit is worth the cost. Why introduce an interface and dependency injection when you could just create an instance of the class and call the method directly? Why build an abstraction with custom objects mapped to the database instead of filling a DataTable and passing it around?
To make matters worse, you do not usually feel the pain of tight coupling until much later. In the short term, you gain some efficiency and get the job done, but in the long run evolving the application can become almost impossible."
In the long run Microsoft already created new object libraries that are not backward compatible and you already jumped on it and rewrote your application. Also when pattern isnt always necessary or could be bad for development and performance, ANTI-PATTERN is good.

星期五, 七月 17, 2009

关于西藏农奴的英文说法 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

关于西藏农奴的英文说法 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

时候serf的出现,提到serf是'between slave and freeman',个人觉得serf应该是佃

Main Entry:
serf Listen to the pronunciation of serf
French, from Old French, from Latin servus slave

: a member of a servile feudal class bound to the land and subject to the
will of its owner

Main Entry:
1slave Listen to the pronunciation of 1slave
Middle English sclave, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French
esclave, from Medieval Latin sclavus, from Sclavus Slavic; from the
frequent enslavement of Slavs in central Europe during the early Middle Ages
14th century

1 : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another 2 : one that is
completely subservient to a dominating influence 3 : a device (as the
printer of a computer) that is directly responsive to another

星期三, 七月 15, 2009

Managers rush into a SCRUM meeting - a movie title

'chicken run'

星期二, 七月 14, 2009

转一段nyt读者的评论,写得不错。 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

转一段nyt读者的评论,写得不错。 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

This situation is complicated, and like most stories, perhaps the truth is
somewhere in between. While each case has its own specific background,
parallels to this incident can be seen in other inter-ethnic conflicts
around the world (Chinese - Malay), Fiji (Fijian - Indian), Indonesia (
Chinese- Indonesian), United States - LA, Watts (Black-White), Spain (Basque
-Spanish)etc. etc

These incidents are all unfortunate, and due to inequalities (real or
perceived) or perhaps by historical rivalries or unexplained racial hatred.

What is clear however, is that when such incidences occur in China, the West
seems to exploit them to push its agenda against the Chinese government,
justifying and excusing the rioters excesses (Uigher or Tibetan).

On the contrary, I don’t think I recall the western media using the LA
riots to indict the US government for its oppression of minorities or
support / ignore some of the thuggery of the rioters against innocent people
, often white (recall truck driver Reginald Denny), in the same way they
gloss over violence against Han Chinese.

Furthermore, lack of ethnic violence or strife in Western countries, is not
an indication of perfect non-discriminatory societies.

In fact it could highlight the fact that the Maori in NZ (Maori up until the
70s were often caned at school for speaking their language), Aboriginal in
Australia (Tasmanian aboriginals were wiped out by the middle of the 20
Century) or North American Indian or Black people in the US, or indigenous
and black people in Brazil have been so disenfranchised due to the genocide
against their culture and language, that they no longer even understand the
notion of independence.

While there are probably genuine grievances in China among certain
minorities, I feel it is incorrect and hypocritical for Western governments
and media to get behind / support any outburst of riotous violence, in order
to take the moral high ground against China. Inter-ethnic violence is a
terrible thing, and should not be used by West (media / government) as a
tool for advancing self-interest.

Furthermore people should have a look in their own backyards before rushing
to judgment on what is happening in their neighbours.

— Mark

大家看看这个NED的科普版本如何? - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

大家看看这个NED的科普版本如何? - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)



NED,全称National Endowment for Democracy,中文为:国家民主基金会,网址: http://www.ned.org。



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太牛了,希望大家广为转贴 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

太牛了,希望大家广为转贴 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)

Comment from markinnj on Jul 9th, 2009 at 5:55 pm


I just finished watching an interview with Ms Rebiya Kadeer and found a few
interesting facts:

1. She had 11 children, which confirms that Uighurs were not subject to
China's One Child Policy.

2. She was born to a family with no background. She started her business
with a road side convenient store and worked her way to be THE richest
person in the province of Xinjing. This proved Uighurs can earn their
business success through hard work.

3. She was a senior member of the People's Congress of Xinjing, and a senior
member of the National People's Congress of China. This shows Uighurs were
not excluded from political life in China.

4. She was arrested because she provided funding to Eastern Turkestan and
carried out activities in China following instructions from Eastern
Turkestan. Eastern Turkestan is labeled as terrorist organization by most
countries including the US, Russia, China, etc.

星期三, 七月 08, 2009


3.99 * 3.78500 Chinese yuan = 2.21041108 U.S. dollars

星期四, 七月 02, 2009

300余万斤鱼1夜死光 渔民损失近千万元(组图)_新闻中心_新浪网

300余万斤鱼1夜死光 渔民损失近千万元(组图)_新闻中心_新浪网
The definition of 1 + 1 = 2
We all know it, it's not a theory that needs to be proven, it's not something that can be modified, that's way it is. The point is, that's the same with 'marriage', where a man and woman creates a family and might create children. That's what the definition of marriage has been.
LGBT are trying to change this definition and they claim other people cant vote on this? Why not? This impacts everybody, not just benefit them, it could harm the children too!
If we were to change the definition of 1 + 1 = 2(real marriage) to include 1 + 2 = 2(gay marriage), what about 1 + 3 = 2(multigamy?) or 1 + n = 2?(what ever)? That's discrimination.