星期三, 三月 19, 2008

HP's UMPC 2133 revealed - Engadget

This is almost perfect, after ASUS eee PC 700/900, everex Cloud.
Just a few things to make it really perfect.
1. cloud comes with real harddrive, those tiny things now are not that expensive or power consuming, while solid state drive is too expensive and small.
2. 1366x768 resolution is nice, but why leave blank space on the top? I mean, I'd like something with 1920x1080, or 1280x720, if the price could be a lot cheaper.
3. battery life? I want to have option to run windows on it for 8 hours, but if the price is right, I can take 3 hours.
4. price is an important fact, I paid only $300 for my acer celeron laptop, I think I can pay up to $500 for the hp one but I am afraid from the specs, the price would be a lot higher?

