星期一, 三月 31, 2008

Sorting it all Out : Font substitution and linking #3: "Font substitution and linking #1 (About font substitution)
Font substitution and linking #2 (About industrial strength font linking, with MLang)"

星期五, 三月 28, 2008

RichEditView: "RichEditView

Most of our view class work has happened in a class like CView or CScrollView. MFC also provides some much higher functionality classes. The classes CEditView and CRichEditView provide the core functionality of Window's Accessory programs NotePad and WordPad respectively."
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UN says 'criminals' killed Hariri

Why I remember this UN claimed Syria was behind this?

星期三, 三月 26, 2008

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Bush calls Hu to urge Tibet talks

Hu will talk with Tibet right after Bush talks with Iran and Hamas.

How to Hide the Connection Bar in Windows Terminal Server

February 23, 2007

If you want to hide the connection bar in Windows Terminal Server so that it prevents users from hitting the “X” at the top right and so that they are logging off properly simply add this line into the users default.rdp file.


Jericho ended

How sad is that! CBS claims that there are not enough viewers so they canceled it. Why I just feel it's more of political reason? This show is not aligned with ideology of the country. Dont tell me media in US or any other country is not controlled by government. It's capitalism, capital controls everything, including government and media.

星期二, 三月 25, 2008

星期一, 三月 24, 2008

I no longer feel democrats are better than republicans.
For those who support tibetan separatist criminals, just try to imagine some countries fund a group like black panther to create riot and kill people in some cities, would you support that?

星期五, 三月 21, 2008

Propoganda war

NPR/BBC/CNN/FOX, claim to be different, claim to be independent, are they? I dont think so.
None of them is reporting those 'terrorists' in tibet are 'foreign fighters' and they like to claim other media is doing propoganda, distorting facts. Funny that these media so many times use irrelevant and fake pictures on things about china, making up facts, but they are still brainwashing americans together.

星期四, 三月 20, 2008

zen.ishtar :: Ten WTL Tips and Tricks:

"11. Default Font

When a control is placed on a dialog it automatically assumes the font used by the dialog. However, when a control is used in a window implementation such as a view or splitter pane, it uses SYSTEM_FONT which is not very attractive. Add atlmisc.h to your project so that AtlGetStockFont is available, then use this tip to select DEFAULT_GUI_FONT, a TrueType font object.

MyControl.SetFont(AtlGetStockFont(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), TRUE);"

This could be troublesome if we have a lot of controls that needs to change this font type and size.

星期三, 三月 19, 2008

Feature Driven Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though less heard than Agile Development(IMHO, impractical) or Extreme Programming(IMHO, never really worked), this seems more practical and reasonable than those two.
HP's UMPC 2133 revealed - Engadget

This is almost perfect, after ASUS eee PC 700/900, everex Cloud.
Just a few things to make it really perfect.
1. cloud comes with real harddrive, those tiny things now are not that expensive or power consuming, while solid state drive is too expensive and small.
2. 1366x768 resolution is nice, but why leave blank space on the top? I mean, I'd like something with 1920x1080, or 1280x720, if the price could be a lot cheaper.
3. battery life? I want to have option to run windows on it for 8 hours, but if the price is right, I can take 3 hours.
4. price is an important fact, I paid only $300 for my acer celeron laptop, I think I can pay up to $500 for the hp one but I am afraid from the specs, the price would be a lot higher?
英国首相称将赴华观摩奥运 反对拉萨暴力犯罪_新闻中心_新浪网


星期二, 三月 18, 2008

BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo riots 'were orchestrated'

of course it's orchestrated, just like the riot in tibet.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Q&A: China and Tibet

"China insists that the Tibetans in exile, led by the Dalai Lama, want nothing less than to separate Tibet from the motherland.

The Dalai Lama - Tibet's spiritual leader and head of the government-in-exile - says he wants nothing more than genuine autonomy for the region."

Is the reporter a moron or what? Genuine autonomy == separate Tibet, 3 year old can understand this.
I am not antheist, I am just a non-believer

Just dont like that word, it's not accurate and it's hideous. Science is not something to 'believe', god doesnt exist, human doesnt have 'soul' isnot something to 'believe'. Science is something you can challenge, understand and prove, while religion isn't.

Why some people believe in bible, some people believe in kran and some believe in other books? Through out those books, there is evidence showing it's written by human. Which book to believe in? why that book? follow the heart? sorry, my heart doesnt 'think', I follow my brain only.
Generals and politics

Stupid propoganda already claims that generals are not involved in politics, they need to respect those generals in fields. is that true? I guess the 2nd part might be true, at least respect tohse soldiers. But those generals definitely are not politics free, remember vietnam and korean war? Today a general is talking about there's no surge in northern iraq, and comparing to things in past 6 month blah blah, tell me that's NOT politics. They are assigned by the president, right? Tell me they dont care about THEIR careers in a straight face.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | End Tibet unrest, says Dalai Lama

Well, stopping the violence is the good thing. He might or might not be behind it, but certainly 'some' countries are behind this.

星期三, 三月 12, 2008

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Virtual demos over net censorship
they can do 'virtual hunger striks' too, literally for ever, like anybody cares.

星期二, 三月 11, 2008

Touched by Jericho 205
Goetz has killed too many innocent people. I dont understand how come as a past mercenary, Jake insists on bringing Goetz to "justice". Bonnie's brother did the right thing, I forgot his name now. :(

Any way, so touched by it, it feels great!

It's a pity there are only 3 episodes left for this season. I dont think this show can last for ever, JNR wont last for ever, right? Maybe they should contact the other government and bring the whole thing to all survivors?

星期一, 三月 10, 2008

2月份全国居民消费价格同比上涨8.7% 食品类价格同比上涨23.3%
中文版《丑女》不海选 神秘女主角正接受特训_影音娱乐_新浪网
Minute Mysteries
interesting stuff, just for fun.
Steve Clayton: Geek In Disguise : Kawasaki and the MacBook Air

besides all these mess for mac air on the desktop, I still dont understand why sony got thinner/lighter laptop with better battery life years ago, how could mac still claim to be the thinnest, or just like usual, one of the thinnest? there are other PC laptops which have much better battery life and price than 'air' too.

星期五, 三月 07, 2008

星期四, 三月 06, 2008


Those shows/movies are controlled by just those big firms. As big actors, writers, companies just want their money, many good stuff doesnt have a chance for audience.
I know there're already web based TV and youtube. For the first one, when I tried to watch Jericho on CBS site, it randomly encounters error and skips certain parts. There's no good way for me to go back to where I left, it was quite annoying. Youtube has a lot limitation, quality is rather poor, I dont know how to find what I need but you have to admit youtube is very successful and they make money!
So I just wonder, can we improve based on streaming tv that's available? Combine P2P, streaming and rss? How about a program that can run on PC and modded xbox, which takes certain amount of hard drive space, you check and can subscribe to those shows you want through rss like technology. User can streaming a lower quality of the show using P2P to save server bandwidth and user can subscribe the show to utilize P2P to download the full show. We can create a not so intrusive way to show advertisement for user and make some money. Provide profit sharing for content creators. There are many talented people out there with their digital camcorder, I've already seen some brilliant stuff from them.
Maybe google can do it. :)
it turns out there are already many sites doing it.
I think what's missing is that:
  1. I want it on my TV, not just on my PC - modded xbox, software to turn your PC into better media center than MCE
  2. I want higher quality content than youtube - P2P download plus low quality streaming preview
  3. The hosting cost needs to be low so it's easier to make a profit on it for everybody - P2P
  4. Also youtube is not so well organized, this needs to be - rss style subscription mode

sales tax 7.15% in MN now

Democratics really likes to tax people.
I wonder where did all the money go. In some tedious government document maybe I can find them, some obvious and some not so obvious.
Republicans will add 'fees' and big defecit, since they are as bad as democratics but dont want to raise tax, what they can do is just to poorly fund existing programs, even their own 'no child left behind' program and make sure they will leave all children behind and spend trillions of dollars in war to benefit war related companies who support them.
There's no miracle medicine. Who ever claims his/her plan works a lot better is just another liar.
45% cost of a clinic is insurance, well, if they are all insured about their mistakes, how are they punished when they mistreat some one? what about those doctors who are so~~~~~~~~ eager to work on a root canal and crown? What about those who worked on inactive cavity that doesnt need to be fixed? I mean, they are human, they want to be richer. Many of them are very ethical or at least work within the ethical limit but I dont think we should allow greed to drive them since they earn so much, so many greedy people just want to work in that field. I dont personally think we need all of them to be paid that well, many of them are 'capable' of working on some daily illness dont need to be paid that high. Those associations of theirs are artificially limiting the number, the racial percentage to benefit themselves.
That's enough for today, I guess. IE tab within firefox keeps jumping to 'Find:' in firefox too. Just enjoy this imperfect life that wont be perfect, since I have my precious little baby girl and my lovely wife, amen.
We will feel the pinch on the gas stations as well, since they hyped the tax on per gallon of gas on the same bill.
Sorting it all Out : IME + .NET = Input Madness Editor?

星期三, 三月 05, 2008

Input method program

星期二, 三月 04, 2008


she's just a talentless moron any way. I wonder why scientology hasn't taken control of her yet.

Icelandic singer Bjork ends a Shanghai concert by shouting "Tibet! Tibet!" after a song about independence.

via MSDN Blogs by dougste on 3/4/08

John Robbins, author of "Debugging Microsoft® .NET 2.0 Applications", "Debugging Applications for Microsoft® .NET and Microsoft Windows®" and "Debugging Applications" has blogged about what has to be one of the worst taxi experiences you can imagine. All I can think is it's luck he used to be a Green Beret!


星期一, 三月 03, 2008
