星期四, 三月 31, 2011

星期一, 三月 28, 2011




铁路和地方有 关部门能从国家利益和人民利益考虑才怪,这种立项应该属于违法建设,应该依法惩罚有关部门全体领导!

Open Source Point of Sale

Open Source Point of Sale: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

TYRODEVELOPER: Crear un punto de venta (1 de 10)

TYRODEVELOPER: Crear un punto de venta (1 de 10)

Unified POS | NRF ARTS

Using .NET to Create Objects for a Sample POS System - CodeProject

Microsoft POS for .NET Overview

Unified POS | NRF ARTS

【成员名字版PV】惠比寿麝香葡萄第四单曲PV スプリングホリデー - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看

【成员名字版PV】惠比寿麝香葡萄第四单曲PV スプリングホリデー - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看
我是一个极其讨厌AV和看AV的人 而至于那些什么武腾兰、吉泽明步、苍井空、松岛枫、神谷姬、小泽玛莉亚、高树玛丽亚、山本梓、樱树露衣、濑户由衣、树麻里子、星野光、白石瞳、忧木瞳、白 石日和、相田桃、浅仓舞、小林瞳、夕树舞子、美穗由纪、小室友里、黑木香、朝冈实岭、美里真里、饭岛爱、北原梨奈、秋元友美、川合里美、细川百合子、麻生 早苗、松阪季实子、川岛和津实、小泽奈美、叶山丽子、金泽文子、凉木桃香、小泽圆、铃木麻奈美、白鸟智香子、中谷香子、市川香织、蜷川香子、上杉美香子、 吉田美香子、长谷香子、岬崎香子、立花里子、上原多香子、石川施恩惠、大尺右香、南波杏…… 我更是一个都不认识!根本都没有听说过~

Google taps Java guru Gosling amid lawsuit - MarketWatch

Google taps Java guru Gosling amid lawsuit - MarketWatch
who was fired from oracle last year?





星期六, 三月 26, 2011

POS for .NET API Support

POS for .NET API Support: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"



CMU Eliminates Object Oriented Programming For Freshman - Slashdot

CMU Eliminates Object Oriented Programming For Freshman - Slashdot
"According to this blog post from professor Robert Harper, the Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science department is removing the required study of O-O from the Freshman curriculum: 'Object-oriented programming is eliminated entirely from the introductory curriculum, because it is both anti-modular and anti-parallel by its very nature, and hence unsuitable for a modern CS curriculum.' It goes on to say that 'a proposed new course on object-oriented design methodology will be offered at the sophomore level for those students who wish to study this topic.'"

星期三, 三月 23, 2011

九旬纳粹集中营警卫受审 涉嫌参与杀害2.79万人_新闻中心_新浪网

九旬纳粹集中营警卫受审 涉嫌参与杀害2.79万人_新闻中心_新浪网



星期二, 三月 22, 2011

2008 R2 Easy Print - Lots of Issues - Looking for Checklist

2008 R2 Easy Print - Lots of Issues - Looking for Checklist

(click the Printing link on the left). I have seen alot of folks fix their issues by applying the hotfixes...

Below is the stuff from her site:

TS Easy Print issues

If Easy Print doesn't work at all, check if the client meets the requirements : rdp client version 6.1 and .NET Framework 3.0 SP1.
Update: .NET is no longer required on the client if the server runs W2008 R2 and the client runs Windows 7.

These are recommended hotfixes:
946411 - FIX: When you print an XPS file on a Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3-based computer, the characters in the XPS file print incorrectly
954744 - FIX: Some pages are printed in the incorrect orientation when you use Terminal Services Easy Print to print a document that contains both portrait-oriented pages and landscape-oriented pages
954743 - FIX: After you apply hotfix 954744, printing performance may be significantly slower when you print documents by using Terminal Services Easy Print

and here are some optional one's:
962930 - Cannot print from Terminal Services Easy Print on Windows server 2008, access is denied
954399 - Error message when you try to print by using Terminal Services Easy Print from a client computer that you connect to a Windows Server 2008-based computer: "Tswpfwp.exe has stopped working"
959442 - The edges of a document are truncated when you try to print the document by using Terminal Services Easy Print from a client computer that is running Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows Server 2008
970603 - The content of a printout is different when you print a PDF document by using Terminal Services Easy Print in a Terminal Services (TS) session in Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

Misc. problems

958894 - The Printer Spooler service may encounter an access violation and crash when the service handles asynchronous notifications from print clients on Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based computers
954400 - The Remote Desktop Connection disconnects when you try to print to a Windows Server 2008-based terminal server
958656 - Client-side rendering in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Vista may decrease performance on Windows Server 2008-based terminal servers
960792 - Error message when a user tries to add a printer in Windows Server 2008 by using a TCP/IP address or a host name: "Access is denied"
973356 - Error message when you create one or more network printers in a Windows Server 2008-based terminal server session: "Printers cannot be installed"
955560 - Handle leaks and memory leaks occur on the Printer Spooler service when a Windows Vista SP1-based computer or a Windows Server 2008-based computer installs and uninstalls network printers
979163 - Many pages are printed when you try to print an Excel worksheet by using a redirected printer if the Terminal Services Easy Print feature is used
980056 - The client printer may print the documents by using an incorrect paper size if the "Use Remote Desktop Easy Print printer driver first" policy is enabled
2004234 - After upgrading a printer driver on any Microsoft Operating system later than Windows XP and Server 2003, the old driver files are still being used


Using Remote Desktop Easy Print in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
Printer Driver Isolation in Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 - by Helge Klein

Deadly Accident Sparks Crackdown On Bus Companies

Deadly Accident Sparks Crackdown On Bus Companies
Trucks that caused the accidents with buses should be pulled over, not buses.



【原创】【大神传:小小太阳】完全图文流程攻略(含全收集) - 大神传 小小太阳 - GOINGAMER极击网社区论坛 - Powered by Discuz!

【原创】【大神传:小小太阳】完全图文流程攻略(含全收集) - 大神传 小小太阳 - GOINGAMER极击网社区论坛 - Powered by Discuz!

星期日, 三月 20, 2011



Here's a List of Useful Kinect Voice Commands - Kinect for Xbox 360 news

Here's a List of Useful Kinect Voice Commands - Kinect for Xbox 360 news

To do this, say this

Go to the Kinect Hub Xbox Kinect
Play a disc Xbox play disc
See more options in the Kinect Hub Xbox next or Xbox previous
Sign in to your profile Xbox sign in
Start the Kinect Tuner Xbox Kinect Tuner
Start Kinect ID Xbox Kinect ID
Open or close the disc tray Xbox open tray or Xbox close tray
Go to the Xbox Dashboard Xbox Dashboard
Play music or video Xbox play
Fast-forward music or video Xbox fast-forward
Pause music or video Xbox pause

《大神传:小小太阳》流程攻略(全文完) - 大神传:小小太阳中文网

《大神传:小小太阳》流程攻略(全文完) - 大神传:小小太阳中文网

星期六, 三月 19, 2011



星期五, 三月 18, 2011

Nigel Spencer's Blog: When is a WPF DataGrid read-only CheckBox not read-only?

Nigel Spencer's Blog: When is a WPF DataGrid read-only CheckBox not read-only?

What a Great .NET Developers Ought To Know: Answers




星期四, 三月 17, 2011

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

American International Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American International Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American International Group, Inc. (AIG) (NYSE: AIG) is an American insurance corporation. Its corporate headquarters are located in the American International Building in New York City.

Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although Mayor Ray Nagin ordered a mandatory evacuation of the city, many people refused to leave, which a CNN writer described as "gambling with their own lives."[18] Reasons were numerous, including a belief that their homes or the buildings in which they planned to stay offered sufficient protection, lack of financial resources or access to transportation, or a feeling of obligation to protect their property. These reasons were complicated by the fact that an evacuation the previous year for Hurricane Ivan had resulted in the illnesses of many elderly people since cars were stalled in traffic for six to ten hours. The fact that Katrina occurred at the end of the month, before pay checks were in the hands of many was also significant.[19]

星期三, 三月 16, 2011

How to deselect all selected items in a WPF treeview when clicking on some empty area? - Stack Overflow

How to deselect all selected items in a WPF treeview when clicking on some empty area? - Stack Overflow

protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

DependencyObject dpSource = e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject;

if (dpSource.FindVisualAncestor(o => typeof(TreeViewItem).IsAssignableFrom(o.GetType())) == null)

private void MyTreeView_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
if ((sender as TreeViewItem) == null) {
TreeViewItem item = MyTreeView.SelectedItem as TreeViewItem;
if(item != null){
item.IsSelected = false;

WPF - TextBox.SelectAll

WPF - TextBox.SelectAll

星期二, 三月 15, 2011



WPF Hyperlink Column in Datagrid Samples and examples - C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET

WPF Hyperlink Column in Datagrid Samples and examples - C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET

wpf - How to make some column's content in the datagrid to be hyperlink? - Stack Overflow

wpf - How to make some column's content in the datagrid to be hyperlink? - Stack Overflow

Homefront Xbox 360 Review - Page 2 | Eurogamer.net

Homefront Xbox 360 Review | Eurogamer.net









游戏里面除了XP还有battle point系统,控制各种设备都需要花费BP。



Harrison: Iwata "wrong" on casual games iPhone News - Page 1 | Eurogamer.net

Harrison: Iwata "wrong" on casual games iPhone News | Eurogamer.net
所以欧洲部前总裁Phil Harrison说任天堂总裁岩田聪反对社交游戏的态度是错误的。
Harrison是London Venture Partners创建者之一,参与开发多人合作游戏Gunshine。

Main L.A. Noire story 25-30 hours long News - Page 1 | Eurogamer.net

Main L.A. Noire story 25-30 hours long News | Eurogamer.net
L.A. Noire主线将会有25-30小时长

星期二, 三月 08, 2011






百万豪宅被流浪汉强占糟蹋成垃圾场_新闻中心_新浪网what kind of law? this is not trespassing?



微控制器 (MCU) 破解秘笈_百度文库

微控制器 (MCU) 破解秘笈_百度文库

Urban Dictionary: conservative anarchist

Urban Dictionary: conservative anarchistS.C.A.M - social conservative anarchist movement

MoveOn.org Political Action: Top 10 Worst Things about the Republicans' Immoral Budget

MoveOn.org Political Action: Top 10 Worst Things about the Republicans' Immoral BudgetCut funding on NPR might not be such a bad thing. Especially for stations like MPR, which has huge beggathon year around for additional funding so they can pay their anchors big money and continue their propoganda.

星期日, 三月 06, 2011

高层部署反腐新内容 理想信念教育力度将加大_新闻中心_新浪网

高层部署反腐新内容 理想信念教育力度将加大_新闻中心_新浪网切实落实人民民主,让人民真正拥有监督的权利,才能够减轻腐败。红歌口号狗屁作用都没有。



星期四, 三月 03, 2011

