星期三, 十月 27, 2010

豌豆荚娱乐精灵 数码设备 音乐下载 视频下载 视频转码 电子书下载

豌豆荚娱乐精灵 数码设备 音乐下载 视频下载 视频转码 电子书下载

[讨论] 【测试猥皮招募中】史上最方便的PSP视频导入软件!试用即送猥币,更有机会赢iPhone 4!

参与即有机会得iPhone 4,还有论坛币等你拿。

第一步 – 安装:下载并安装豌豆荚娱乐精灵:http://wandoujia.com/yule/download.html?type=third&src=tgbus
第二步 – 连接:通过USB线把PSP连接到电脑上;
第三步 – 导视频:下载任意一个在线视频到PSP,完成后可获得豌豆荚娱乐精灵特供电玩猥皮的“电玩试用码”。

星期二, 十月 26, 2010

星期三, 十月 20, 2010

星期二, 十月 19, 2010

Guiness Names World's Hottest Pepper

Weighing in at 1,001,304 Scoville heat units, the Bhut Jolokia chili from India has been named the world's hottest pepper by the Guinness Book of World Records. Just to put that into perspective, the jalapeno sits at a meager 10,000 SHU.

Early last year, the world's hottest pepper recorded was the Red Savina chili, which registered at 577,000 SHU, but in April that changed to the Dorset Naga which tested between 876,000 and 970,000 SHU. When it gets that hot, I don't really know that the number really makes much of a difference!

The Scoville scale, developed by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, was created to measure the heat level in chillies and is used world-wide today. To give you an idea where some of your favorite peppers sit on the list:

0 - Bell Pepper
100-500 - Pepperoncini
1000-1500 - Poblano
2500-10,000 - Jalapenos and Chipolte
5000-23,000 - Serrano
30,000-50,000 - Cayenne
80,000 & up - Habenero, Scotch Bonnet

Read more: http://www.slashfood.com/2007/02/20/guinness-names-worlds-hottest-pepper/#ixzz12rzvvOQ1




星期四, 十月 14, 2010