星期四, 五月 28, 2009


每个自由人有至少5-6个奴隶替他干活,所以他可以把时间用在讨论公共事务和选举上面,选举无论结果如何,他还是可以回家享清福,还不能有持续的战争,不然民主效率低下,很容易被斯巴达这种灭掉... 这种民主挺不容易的...

星期三, 五月 27, 2009

'We didnt vote on your marriage'
Saw this in the protest parade on TV yesterday. That's not correct. They did vote on our marriage, they are trying to change our marriage.
If some one wants to marry his/her own child and got blocked, can he/she protest that he/she didn't block others' marriage?

星期五, 五月 15, 2009

星期四, 五月 14, 2009



高考一直被认为是最公平的事? 长期以来各种保送,加分猫腻都很多,建议取消三好学生等各种加分,只有一些国际竞赛获胜者可以保送。



星期一, 五月 11, 2009


insufficient lit review

Wii homebrew - MPlayer CE v0.5 - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET

Wii homebrew - MPlayer CE v0.5 - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET

A new update of MPlayer CE has been released by Scip, Rodries, and the rest of the dev team. If you remember, MPlayer CE is a port of MPlayer by Team Twiizers which combines the features of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX. The new update of the Wiibrew media player has a ton of changes and improvements.

Here's the changelog:
  • SMB now much more robust - thanks to DennisLKJ for smb.c fix
  • libfat cache improved for speed and stability
  • USB ethernet now fixed with USB 1.1; USB 2.0 fix requires an updated cIOS
  • Added ability to manipulate picture using the nunchuck
  • Updated to latest MPlayer revision
  • Now using subfont.ttf instead of font folder - use mplayer.conf to change font size
  • Merged widescreen and 4:3 pack - now MPlayer will use the appropriate loop.avi automatically
  • Improved modchip compatibility for DVD

Jazib TV.com - The ultimate Live TV Webcasts Directory

Jazib TV.com - The ultimate Live TV Webcasts Directory

Carl.Kenner - GlovePIE download

Carl.Kenner - GlovePIE download
wiimote driver on XP

星期五, 五月 08, 2009

Official Google Blog: Google Chrome ads on TV

Official Google Blog: Google Chrome ads on TV
I am among one of those people who downloaded and tried this, found it's too cpu and memory heavy and keep using firefox...

星期四, 五月 07, 2009

彩民身无分文刮2000元彩票 欠下销售站872元_新闻中心_新浪网

彩民身无分文刮2000元彩票 欠下销售站872元_新闻中心_新浪网

Design Patterns for Data Persistence

Design Patterns for Data Persistence
"Lean Programming teaches you to eliminate wasted effort in development projects by favoring 'pull' design over 'push' design. This means infrastructure concerns like persistence should only be designed and built to satisfy the needs of business requirements (pulled on demand) instead of building the data access layer code that you think the application will need later (pushed)."

This is what I like all those years.

Federal scrutiny of Google welcomed - MarketWatch

When did Google become Microsoft?
The answer is: It's always like Microsoft. It just does a better PR job to make itself not looking evil, like Apple. Come on, it's a business, not a charity. These days even most charities are run by greedy people who dont spend enough on helping people.

星期三, 五月 06, 2009

V2: Install RemoteJoy Lite

V2: Install RemoteJoy Lite
working version of tutorial and download for RemoteJoy 0.19

星期五, 五月 01, 2009


google docs should allow me to add this into my list...