星期五, 十一月 14, 2008

Why does my shared [Remote Desktop] clipboard not work? (Part 1) - Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day

Symptom: Remote-to-local copy and paste broken.

Possible Cause: RDPCLIP is not in the clipboard viewer chain.

Possible Solution: Kill and restart RDPCLIP.

Symptom: Local-to-remote copy and paste broken.

Possible Cause: TS client is not in the clipboard viewer chain.

Possible Solution: Close the TS client and reconnect to the session.

Symptom: RDPCLIP or the TS client is using excessive CPU.

Possible Cause: There is a loop in the local or remote clipboard viewer chain.

Possible Solution: Kill and restart RDPCLIP. If this does not fix the problem, close the TS client and reconnect to the session

网际快车 FlashGet 去广告补丁 及其 制作方法 [支持现在最新版本] !�



Copy file...

The copy & paste doesnt work very well but I can understand. I am working on machine A, which has a virtualPC B running on it. From B I use remote desktop to connect to machine C. So when I want to copy something from C to its tsclient mapped drive Z, which is actually a drive on A which is mapped as network drive Z on B, it didnt go so well.

星期四, 十一月 13, 2008

WoG (en)

Heroes of Might and Magic 3½: In the Wake of Gods, it was created in 2001, I didnt know this until now, from wiki.



星期三, 十一月 12, 2008




星期二, 十一月 11, 2008





星期一, 十一月 10, 2008

good article to learn about .net memory issues.

if object is over 85K, then it's in LOH(large object heap), which is never compacted(?). So load/release a lot of different large objects can cause some problems.

星期五, 十一月 07, 2008





AJAX & Silverlight Framework for Web Applications - Visual WebGui

interesting demo about this today, it looks quite smooth. ajax but in winform style, much easier to use.

make sure IIS is installed, after installation of SDK, go to IIS config->sites->default sites->properties->home directory, click configuration, make sure asp.net config is on, check .aspx extension and create a new one with .wgx with same configuration.

for web application in vs.net 2008, you need to set project properties->web->specific page to form1.wgx(or what ever you want to start with).

Tone Poem : SqlClient Timeouts Revealed

"Just some notes from recent discussions internal and external of how timeouts work with SqlClient. First a classification of where timeouts can occur with SqlClient"

星期四, 十一月 06, 2008

guns dont kill people

heard this on comedy radio today, they say actually bullets kill people and guns do HELP kill people. for gun advocates, maybe we can tell them that nuclear weapons dont kill people, just let everybody have some.


BBC talked about cloud computing

well, when non-tech people want to boast those concepts, you know it's just like that stupid NPR future trends show. internet has been able to have some shared funcitonality, I use gmail/flickr/google docs etc but it's based on PC, instead of replacement for PC. they tried HTPC, where a normal pc with fancy case and some useless stupid MC software for hyped price. they trie WHS, a box with less functionality than a PC with xp pro for hyped price. see how epc works? it's enough computing power, enough resolution, functionality at REDUCED price, they sell more htan tens of millions... I'd like to have files more sync between my PCs (not really mesh style), but everything online? no thanks.

星期三, 十一月 05, 2008


如果像ridgedale mall那样厕所有儿童座位就不会有这种事情,另外应该带童车(stroller),那种可以把孩子绑在上面的。
social issues

gay 'marriage', that's not 'marriage', what ever else you want to call it or claim it, it's not gay marriage. if you support man/man, woman/woman 'marriage', you should not discriminate against people marrying their relatives, children, poligamy etc.

health insurance should cover basics for everybody, that's the base of insurance, only with a large group base, the odds will be enough for this to make sense. so individual picking what he wants or not would not work.

SPI - special processing instruction, when the system has too many of those, it means it's a bad system and needs redesign, those should processing instruction instead of tons of special ones.

星期二, 十一月 04, 2008







How to enable IME on a custom UserControl? - .NET

"By default, the system associates the input context maintained by the
default IME with each window, i.e. a control on a form, as it is created.

When a window is activated or gets focused, the system sends the
WM_IME_SETCONTENT message to the application. Then the application sends
this message to the default IME window.

Note that at this time, those controls that don't require text input, e.g.
Button, UserControl, Panel and so on, will remove the association to the
default input context from themselves. So, the the default IME is disabled.
In order to enable the IME on a custom UserControl, we could call the input
method manager (IMM) function 'ImmAssociateContext' to associate the
default input context to the custom UserControl at this time."

星期一, 十一月 03, 2008

How to hide Language Bar - MSFN Forums

;Hide CTF lang bar.

云南西北部旅行攻略(一月) (云南 昆明 大理 丽江 迪庆·香格里

1月19日 早8点,向导和包的车还有司机已经在客栈等我们了,我们出发前往虎跳峡最壮观的中虎跳,途经古雄香格里。从上面徒步下去有两条路,天梯和张老师家小路,前一条更艰险。我推荐后一条,因为前一条全是梯子,爬久了会乏味。下去上来一般玩4小时左右,我们用了3小时。之后我们前往香格里拉,途经藏家楼,与一群藏家孩子玩了会儿,住香格里拉宾馆。晚上向导带我们到了市里一家味道最棒的店,吃毛牛肉�"

苦中做乐-香格里拉行 (云南 迪庆·香格里拉 2日自助游)

出发地点:云南 丽江 云南 迪庆·香格里拉 2日自助游 同行人数:5人
文章类型:游记 出游时间:2006年7月2日-7月4日 人均费用:500元
出游类型:自助游 享受级别:快乐舒适,休闲轻松 暖冰 提供
交通工具:汽车为主 目的景点:云南 迪庆·香格里拉 白茫雪山 哈巴雪山自然保护区 卡格博峰 梅里雪山 明永冰川 纳帕海 松赞林寺 虎跳峡 哈巴雪山 神女峰 卡瓦格博 飞来寺
文章地址:http://www.izy.cn/travel_notes/d92/26210.html 复制网址"

