星期一, 四月 28, 2008

Raintree Nursery
hawthorn zone 4-9

星期五, 四月 25, 2008

Bad policy, not biofuel, drive food prices: Merkel | Environment | Reuters

So what she plans to do? Start WWIII and put indian and chinese people in the camps?

btw, Da-LIE lied again in some interview, talk about '7 chinese people' meeting him in Minnesota 'look like might beat him'. yeah, great, HIS people got out and asked '4 chinese people' to meet him after long waiting and heavy security protection, during the whole process, Da-LIE didnt answer any question straight, you know how shrewd politicians are, with so many strong bodyguards around those 4 thin people (at least 3 are tiny chinese female), one of them called him 'holy da-lai', he's so afraid that he might be beaten by those.

I wonder if he invited 7 falungong members to meet him separately and those people look like they want to beat him. or maybe he saw 3 'imaginerable friends' of those 4 chinese people who want to beat him. Use your illusions.

星期三, 四月 23, 2008

Dr. Dobb's | An Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup | March 27, 2008: "Conversely, there is now a generation who is firmly convinced that a program is only well-designed if just about everything is part of a class hierarchy and just about every decision is delayed to run-time. Obviously programs written by these 'true OO' programmers become the best arguments for the 'stick to C' programmers. Eventually, a 'true OO' programmer will find that C++ has many features that don't serve their needs and that they indeed fail to gain that fabled efficiency."

星期二, 四月 22, 2008

'Suicide bomber' revisited
Heard this on NPR, the JP suicide bomber got a documentary and visited US schools. I think other 'suicide bombers' are very similar to them, they are not really that crazy, 'just doing their job'. The nation/organization behind all those killings are not sacrificing their own lives.

星期五, 四月 18, 2008

Daily Kos: State of the Nation: "On Tibet and Propaganda: Follow the 'Information'
by Zwoof"
Chicago, IL Earthquake: "38.45N, 87.89W"
rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client
for linux machine

星期四, 四月 17, 2008

The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama

World News Briefs; Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - New York Times
The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960's from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000.
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

Nazis And Bush Family History: Government Investigated Bush family's Financing Of Hitler

星期二, 四月 15, 2008

McCain talked about 'unfair competition'

When those asian workers are using 1/10 of the resource average american work is using in their lives, there's nothing 'fair about it'. There's not enough resource on earth to bring every one on earth to consume that much resource on average. Does McCain mean to bring down american living standard to earth's average level for american people? I dont think anybody here likes that idea.

If you dont want those people in sweat shop to be exploited, they would end up like those poor africans who cant even get a chance to be exploited to be alive! SAD BUT TRUE, as always.
Religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Encyclopedia of Religion defines religion this way:[7]

In summary, it may be said that almost every known culture involves the religious in the above sense of a depth dimension in cultural experiences at all levels — a push, whether ill-defined or conscious, toward some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life. When more or less distinct patterns of behaviour are built around this depth dimension in a culture, this structure constitutes religion in its historically recognizable form. Religion is the organization of life around the depth dimensions of experience — varied in form, completeness, and clarity in accordance with the environing culture.'"

Let's check how communism is practiced in real life, first they believe in 'realization of communism', which is essentially the same as 'heaven'. The only problem is that it's not realized 'right now' so it's very hard for the dumb public to swallow. Why cant we face the unfairness of life directly? I know it's a lot pain, but we have to take it any way.

One thing communism belief and religion believes are the same is that they are all 'faith' based, that's not something people can question. I consider myself non-believer conservation anarchist. I tried to believe in things, like religion and fairness in life but I failed. I am not a liberal who want to have open sex, thus I am conservative. I dont believe in any government or political form just like I dont believe in any 'belief', that's why I think I am anarchist. :)

星期三, 四月 09, 2008

星期五, 四月 04, 2008

Gmaps Pedometer
47 - 61 - schmidt lake, reverse route, 3.89 mile
Gmaps Pedometer
starring lake with shortcut, 3.88mile

星期四, 四月 03, 2008

Gmaps Pedometer
walking route

星期三, 四月 02, 2008

SUPPORTER LETTER: Body Shop PR Strategey Spreads...To McDonald's

They are not supporting human right, they are suppoting terrorism.

星期二, 四月 01, 2008

不同血型人的区别 - 发现
KryssTal : The Western Media: "Living in the West we are told that the news media (television, newspapers, radio) are free. It is certainly true that there are few government conspiracies to censor. Unlike in totalitarian countries, the media is not generally state run or controlled. However this is not the full story. Because the media is part of the global economy, there are certain properties that deny readers, viewers and listeners a balanced view of world events.

The are five reasons why a balanced view of world events is not generally received in the Western media"