星期五, 二月 29, 2008
it's amazing how microsoft can never run out of negative publicity. they must be working really really hard on it. on the other hand, my friend working for microsoft is still saying how good vista is.

via MarketWatch.com - Top Stories on 2/29/08
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Microsoft Corp. allowed the fudging of technical requirements advertised for its Vista operating system software prior to its release in order to help partner Intel Corp., according to internal emails disclosed this week as part of a class action lawsuit.
via 社会新闻-焦点新闻 by WWW.SINA.COM.CN on 2/28/08
本报讯 (曹曙婷 孙自鸣 钟丽文)婚礼刚刚举行,新郎就升格做了爸爸;婚宴还未结束,新娘就生下两个千金。前天,刚刚做了爸爸的林先生高兴地说:"结婚纪念日就是孩子的生日,真是喜上加喜"。 前天是乐清26岁的林先生和24岁的李女士大喜的日子。当晚,婚宴热闹开席,....星期四, 二月 28, 2008
via 新浪娱乐-焦点新闻 by SINA.com on 2/28/08
周杰伦 信报讯(记者 张学军)昨天,周杰伦( 听歌)出现在上海,为网络游戏"真三国无双"的正式面世而造势。在为这款游戏量身打造的一首《无双》MV的结尾处,周杰伦竟然飙起了听上去有点像维塔斯的海豚音。 在现场,还展示了拍摄MV的时候穿过的铠甲。这副铠甲将通过网上义....
新华网长沙2月28日电(记者 黄兴华)湖南省人民政府28日举办新闻发布会表示,冰雪灾害中,洞庭湖鸟类没有出现大面积死亡,灾后,洞庭湖区鸟类种群正常,境外个别媒体报道洞庭湖鸟类大量死亡的报道并不属实。 湖南省林业厅副厅长胡长清说,1月以来,湖南林业部门组织大量....
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via 新闻中心-国内焦点新闻 by WWW.SINA.COM.CN on 2/28/08
新华网长沙2月28日电(记者 黄兴华)湖南省人民政府28日举办新闻发布会表示,冰雪灾害中,洞庭湖鸟类没有出现大面积死亡,灾后,洞庭湖区鸟类种群正常,境外个别媒体报道洞庭湖鸟类大量死亡的报道并不属实。 湖南省林业厅副厅长胡长清说,1月以来,湖南林业部门组织大量....
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星期一, 二月 25, 2008
星期五, 二月 22, 2008
为啥感觉是欲盖弥彰呢? 正所谓事情是真的,辟谣是假的
本报讯 近日网上挂出一篇明显带有情色的文章,居然被指认为浙江2007年高考满分作文,并附上已印刷成书的照片,引来骂声一片。记者大吃一惊,立即向有关方面进行查证,结果发现这完全是网络恶搞,有关部门表示,高考作文的具体内容是严格保密的,不会外泄。 "情色高考作....
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via 社会新闻-焦点新闻 by WWW.SINA.COM.CN on 2/21/08
本报讯 近日网上挂出一篇明显带有情色的文章,居然被指认为浙江2007年高考满分作文,并附上已印刷成书的照片,引来骂声一片。记者大吃一惊,立即向有关方面进行查证,结果发现这完全是网络恶搞,有关部门表示,高考作文的具体内容是严格保密的,不会外泄。 "情色高考作....
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星期四, 二月 21, 2008
Idle time on a terminal service session
1) The function WinStationQueryInformationW() should be accessed
dynamically via the use of LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress(). Towards that
end, there's a type definition for a pointer-to-a-function.
2) The system console session cannot go into an idle/disconnected state.
As such, the LastInputTime value will always math CurrentTime for the
console session.
3) The LastInputTime value will be zero if the session has gone
disconnected. In that case, use the DisconnectTime value in place of
LastInputTime when calculating the current idle time for a disconnected session.
4) All of these time values are GMT time values.
5) The disconnect time value will be zero if the sesson has never been
WinStationInformation = 8
BYTE Reserved1[72];
ULONG SessionId;
BYTE Reserved2[4];
FILETIME ConnectTime;
FILETIME DisconnectTime;
FILETIME LastInputTime;
BYTE Reserved3[1096];
FILETIME CurrentTime;
BOOL Result;
HANDLE hServer = NULL;
hWinSta = LoadLibrary("WINSTA.DLL");
WinStatonQueryInformationW =
BufLen = sizeof(Buf);
// Assume that hServer is a valid server handle previously obtained from
// WTSOpenServer().
// Assume that SessId has been set to the desired session id value. The
// term "logon id" is synonymous with "session id".
Result =
if (Result)
// Use the SYSTEMTIME structure and the FileTimeToSystemTime() function
// to convert from FILETIME to SYSTEMTIME format. Remember, these time
// values are GMT values; they don't have the local time zone offset
// applied to them.
// handle the error
星期三, 二月 20, 2008
本报讯(记者 张力)"是我父亲用脚踢人,把人踢死的,不是我!"曾获2005年、2006年"重庆微笑大使"公交系统行业亚军的周游,昨天被检察一分院指控其用脚踢人头部,致重师一自考生颅脑出血死亡,涉嫌故意伤害罪。站在市一中院被告席上,昔日的"微笑大使",脸上无法露出一....
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via 社会新闻-焦点新闻 by WWW.SINA.COM.CN on 2/20/08
本报讯(记者 张力)"是我父亲用脚踢人,把人踢死的,不是我!"曾获2005年、2006年"重庆微笑大使"公交系统行业亚军的周游,昨天被检察一分院指控其用脚踢人头部,致重师一自考生颅脑出血死亡,涉嫌故意伤害罪。站在市一中院被告席上,昔日的"微笑大使",脸上无法露出一....
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via MSDN Blogs by stevecla01 on 2/20/08
On the one hand this may seem like a curious program but twice this week I have found reason to want to use it - I was at a friends house who hadn't changed their default key and couldn't remember it and then my Mac stopped connecting to my access point so I wanted to double check they key. Tres handy and thanks to Sarah In Tampa.
I love things that do what they say on the tin with no frills.
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本报讯 (记者 苏季)记者昨天从中国商业联合会获悉,我国首部元宵产品的行业标准计划将于今年年底前正式出台,标准将对元宵产品的馅料、总糖和水分含量做出明确要求,拟规定元宵馅料含量不得低于20%,还对元宵产品的生产、运输和贮存及检验提出明确要求。 据了解,我国目....
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via 新闻中心-国内焦点新闻 by WWW.SINA.COM.CN on 2/20/08
本报讯 (记者 苏季)记者昨天从中国商业联合会获悉,我国首部元宵产品的行业标准计划将于今年年底前正式出台,标准将对元宵产品的馅料、总糖和水分含量做出明确要求,拟规定元宵馅料含量不得低于20%,还对元宵产品的生产、运输和贮存及检验提出明确要求。 据了解,我国目....
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新浪娱乐讯 2月20日下午,甄子丹( blog)亮相影片《江山美人》的新闻发布会,和导演程小东一起为这部"新武侠电影"宣传造势。发布会上,针对日前备受关注的"艳照门"事件,甄子丹表示"每个成年人都要为自己做的事承担责任。"对于肥姐沈殿霞的逝世,也表示怀念。 对于....
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via 新浪娱乐-焦点新闻 by SINA.com on 2/20/08
新浪娱乐讯 2月20日下午,甄子丹( blog)亮相影片《江山美人》的新闻发布会,和导演程小东一起为这部"新武侠电影"宣传造势。发布会上,针对日前备受关注的"艳照门"事件,甄子丹表示"每个成年人都要为自己做的事承担责任。"对于肥姐沈殿霞的逝世,也表示怀念。 对于....
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星期二, 二月 19, 2008
星期一, 二月 18, 2008
BBC NEWS | Technology | Whistle blower site taken offline
Where is the media? Nobody else reports about this great firewall of america?
Where is the media? Nobody else reports about this great firewall of america?
Download details: VC++ 2008 Libraries Feature Pack "Beta"
The Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack extends the VC++ Libraries shipped with Visual Studio 2008.
The VC++ 2008 MFC libraries have been extended to support creation of applications that have:
* Office Ribbon style interface
* Office 2007, Office 2003 and Office XP look and feel
* Modern Visual Studio-style docking toolbars and panes
* Fully customizable toolbars and menus
* A rich set of advanced GUI controls
* Advanced MDI tabs and groups
* And much more!
This feature pack also includes an implementation of TR1. Portions of TR1 are scheduled for adoption in the upcoming C++0x standard as the first major addition to the ISO 2003 standard C++ library. Our implementation includes a number of important features such as:
* Smart pointers
* Regular expression parsing
* New containers (tuple, array, unordered set, etc)
* Sophisticated random number generators
* Polymorphic function wrappers
* Type traits
* And more!
The Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack extends the VC++ Libraries shipped with Visual Studio 2008.
The VC++ 2008 MFC libraries have been extended to support creation of applications that have:
* Office Ribbon style interface
* Office 2007, Office 2003 and Office XP look and feel
* Modern Visual Studio-style docking toolbars and panes
* Fully customizable toolbars and menus
* A rich set of advanced GUI controls
* Advanced MDI tabs and groups
* And much more!
This feature pack also includes an implementation of TR1. Portions of TR1 are scheduled for adoption in the upcoming C++0x standard as the first major addition to the ISO 2003 standard C++ library. Our implementation includes a number of important features such as:
* Smart pointers
* Regular expression parsing
* New containers (tuple, array, unordered set, etc)
* Sophisticated random number generators
* Polymorphic function wrappers
* Type traits
* And more!
星期日, 二月 17, 2008
星期五, 二月 15, 2008
Lutz Roeder's Programming.NET C# VB CLR
Tools and source code for .NET, C# and Visual Basic. Reflector is a popular class browser. Resourcer is a .NET resource editor.
Tools and source code for .NET, C# and Visual Basic. Reflector is a popular class browser. Resourcer is a .NET resource editor.
星期四, 二月 14, 2008
星期二, 二月 12, 2008
星期一, 二月 11, 2008
星期四, 二月 07, 2008
星期三, 二月 06, 2008
eft - Google Code
Eft is an acceptance and functional testing tool for Windows application. You can use it to test WIN32, Windows forms, WPF application and hopefully other applications.
Eft is currently build upon Win32 api and Windows UIAutomation framework in .net 3.0. It supports W3C CSS selector like syntax to locate Window and Control in an application, and related operations on them. It also provides many handy functionality for you to automate the testing of your application.
Eft is an acceptance and functional testing tool for Windows application. You can use it to test WIN32, Windows forms, WPF application and hopefully other applications.
Eft is currently build upon Win32 api and Windows UIAutomation framework in .net 3.0. It supports W3C CSS selector like syntax to locate Window and Control in an application, and related operations on them. It also provides many handy functionality for you to automate the testing of your application.
星期二, 二月 05, 2008
Wells Fargo - International Remittance Accounts
None – Transfers are U.S. Dollars to U.S. Dollars. Call 1–800–556–0605 to get more information. We look forward to serving you in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
the flyer says choice though.
None – Transfers are U.S. Dollars to U.S. Dollars. Call 1–800–556–0605 to get more information. We look forward to serving you in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
the flyer says choice though.