星期六, 十二月 29, 2007

Holiday Weekend Timewaster: Guest House [Timewasters]


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via Kotaku by Maggie Greene on 12/29/07

guesthouse.jpg While browsing my feeds during the inevitable mid-holiday news slump, I was pointed to some fascinating little Japanese point-and-click (or 'point-and-kick ass,' as Leigh Alexander described them over at Sexy Videogameland) puzzlers, lumped under the heading of 'room escape games.' Guest House is the latest in the series, and I spent quite a while clicking my way through all the frustrating (but not too sadistic) puzzles. It's a good way to spend a few hours on a lazy weekend. Terminal House [via Sexy Videogameland]


Things you can do from here:


星期四, 十二月 27, 2007

星期三, 十二月 26, 2007

The Word & Web Vector Tool

The Word & Web Vector Tool is a flexible Java library for statistical language modeling and integration of Web and Webservice based data sources. It supports the creation of word vector representations of text documents in the vector space model that is the point of departure for many text processing applications (e.g. text classification or information retrieval). Furthermore, it offers convenient interactive methods to extract data from structured sources, such was HTML or XML files. Finally, it allows to integrate external data by using Webservice APIs in a mashup-like way (e.g. for geo-mapping).

星期一, 十二月 24, 2007

Updated the layout today, so I wont post those long MSDN articles from google reader any more, instead, I will share them and link them through the widget on the page. This will make the page look more dedicated to ir related articles.

星期五, 十二月 21, 2007

Actiontec M1000 Modem Support Page - Qwest CommunicationsTransparent Bridging (PDF)
Sony eSupport - LF-PK1 - Software Updates & Drivers

11/29/2007 SONY finally made this software free

星期四, 十二月 20, 2007

ICU 3.8: Main Page
For unicode collation

星期二, 十二月 18, 2007

SVM - Support Vector Machines
TIE - Trainable Information Extractor what kind of classifier is used in this case?
LingPipe: Classification Tutorial just N-gram based classification, is it good enough?
Classifier4J - Classifier4J
RubyForge: CRM114 Text Classifier: Project Info
Rainbow is a program that performs statistical text classification. It is based on the Bow library.

星期六, 十二月 15, 2007

C# 3.0 - 新功能 - implicit Type


Hudong 通过 Google 阅读器发送给您的内容:


于 07-12-15 通过 MSDN Blogs 作者:jchiou

C# 3.0 允許區域變數(local variable)使用 var 來宣告變數,它並不是以前 VB 6 的那個 var。

當使用 var 宣告時,CLR 會在編譯階段,由實際的值(等號右邊的值)來判斷它是屬於那個型態


        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Customer> customers = CreateCustomers();

            //foreach (Customer c in customers)
            foreach (var c in customers)


            var vInt = 168;
            var vString = "這是字串";
            var x = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };

            Console.WriteLine("vInt : {0}", vInt);
            Console.WriteLine("vString : {0}", vString);
            foreach(var a in x)



波羅實業        台北市  1
湯姆科技        台中市  2
墩墩數位        高雄市  3
摩利光電        新竹市  4
瑞之路邊攤      花蓮市  5

vInt : 168
vString : 這是字串
Press any key to continue . . .



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace NewLanguageFeatures
    public class Customer
        public int CustomerId { get; private set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }

        public Customer(int Id)
            CustomerId = Id;

        public override string ToString()
            return Name + "\t" + City + "\t" + CustomerId;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Customer> customers = CreateCustomers();

            //foreach (Customer c in customers)
            foreach (var c in customers)


            var vInt = 168;
            var vString = "這是字串";
            var x = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };

            Console.WriteLine("vInt : {0}", vInt);
            Console.WriteLine("vString : {0}", vString);
            foreach(var a in x)

        static List<Customer> CreateCustomers()
            return new List<Customer>
                    new Customer(1) { Name = "波羅實業",          City = "台北市" },
                    new Customer(2) { Name = "湯姆科技",          City = "台中市" },
                    new Customer(3) { Name = "墩墩數位",          City = "高雄市" },
                    new Customer(4) { Name = "摩利光電",          City = "新竹市" },
                    new Customer(5) { Name = "瑞之路邊攤",        City = "花蓮市" }


這個功能筆者很喜歡,如果要學習 LINQ 的朋友,建議對於 C# 3.0 語言的新功能先了解一下。

筆者使用的環境:Windows 2008 RC0 English + Visual Studio 2008




C# 3.0 - 新功能 - Lambda expressoin


Hudong 通过 Google 阅读器发送给您的内容:


于 07-12-15 通过 MSDN Blogs 作者:jchiou

"=>"這個符號除了代表『等於大於』外,在 C# 3.0 語法中也表示 Lambda expression,它可以讓我們的程式碼更少,也可以讓程式的可讀性更高。




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace NewLanguageFeatures
    public class Customer
        public int CustomerId { get; private set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }

        public Customer(int Id)
            CustomerId = Id;

        public override string ToString()
            return Name + "\t" + City + "\t" + CustomerId;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Customer> customers = CreateCustomers();


            var customerDictionary = new Dictionary<Customer, string>();

            foreach (var c in customers)
                customerDictionary.Add(c, c.Name);

            var matches = customerDictionary.FilterBy(
                (customer, name) => name.StartsWith("墩墩"));

            foreach (var m in matches)

        static List<Customer> CreateCustomers()
            return new List<Customer>
                    new Customer(1) { Name = "波羅實業",          City = "台北市" },
                    new Customer(2) { Name = "湯姆科技",          City = "台中市" },
                    new Customer(3) { Name = "墩墩數位",          City = "高雄市" },
                    new Customer(4) { Name = "摩利光電",          City = "新竹市" },
                    new Customer(5) { Name = "瑞之路邊攤",        City = "花蓮市" }

    public delegate bool KeyValueFilter<K, V>(K key, V value);

    public static class Extensions
        public static List<K> FilterBy<K, V>(
        this Dictionary<K, V> items,
        KeyValueFilter<K, V> filter)
            var result = new List<K>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<K, V> element in items)
                if (filter(element.Key, element.Value))
            return result;

        public static List<T> Append<T>(this List<T> a, List<T> b)
            var newList = new List<T>(a);
            return newList;

        public static bool Compare(this Customer customer1, Customer customer2)
            if (customer1.CustomerId == customer2.CustomerId &&
                customer1.Name == customer2.Name &&
                customer1.City == customer2.City)
                return true;

            return false;



墩墩數位        高雄市  3
Press any key to continue . . .

筆者使用的環境:Windows 2008 RC0 English + Visual Studio 2008




C# 3.0 - 新功能大綱


Hudong 通过 Google 阅读器发送给您的内容:


于 07-12-15 通过 MSDN Blogs 作者:jchiou

C#3.0 Design Themes

  • Improve on C#2.0
  • Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
  • 100% Backwards Compatible

C# 3.0 – New Language Features

  • Local Variable Type Inference
  • Object Initializers
  • Collection Initializers
  • Anonymous Types
  • Auto-Implemented Properties
  • Extension Methods
  • Lambdas
  • Query Expressions
  • Expression Trees
  • Partial Methods




星期二, 十二月 11, 2007

Amazon.com: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child: "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child / Your Fussy Baby by Marc Weissbluth (Paperback - Oct 26, 2004)"

星期六, 十二月 01, 2007

GATE Download Page

GATE is...

* the Eclipse of Natural Language Engineering, the Lucene of Information Extraction, a leading toolkit for Text Mining
* used worldwide by thousands of scientists, companies, teachers and students
* comprised of an architecture, a free open source framework (or SDK) and graphical development environment
* used for all sorts of language processing tasks, including Information Extraction in many languages
* funded by the EPSRC, BBSRC, AHRC, the EU and commercial users
* 100% Java reference implementation of ISO TC37/SC4 and used with XCES in the ANC
* 10 years old in 2005, used in many research projects and compatible with IBM's UIMA
* based on MVC, mobile code, continuous integration, and test-driven development, with code hosted on SourceForge